Once, in a distant world, somewhere beyond fields of dragons and cities of orcs,
roamed a neverending war. Two mighty forces were there, orcs and dragons, both
astoundingly powerful. So happened, that the evil darkness wizard kidnapped the gorgeus
örkprincess to his horrid tower, up on the hills of Gra'aught. The wizard didn't
observe one thing... The Mighty Örkvarriör. He is the son of The Mightiest Örkvarriör,
a former guard of the beautiful örkprincess, slain by the darkness wizard during the capture. So, Örkvarriör starts his quest; to revenge the death of
his father and to rescue the beautiful örkprincess.
Jäsenet:Fitz: low, demonic tunes, Deadful: high string torture, rhythms of war & infernal growling
Kiitos faniutumisesta!
Itse en kyllä tuota
allekirjoittaisi kuin
muutamien riffien
osalta, mutta ehkä
siihenkin joitain
viittauksia löytyy :)
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