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Mirroria - The evil dream... The path

Mirroria - The evil dream... The path

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The evil dream... The path

Genre:X - Muut

Sweetest memories -
Wings of an angel in the dusk -
Silent nokturne realms -
You have dreamed me away -
The evil dream -
Fool`s death -
Palace of dreams -
Wizard of mirrors 07:36
The path -
I can only speak for your heartLord of the rainbow) -
Summer meadows -
Dance in stars -

+ Lisää omaan levyhyllyyn   Oma levyhylly

Samankaltaisia albumeita

Heney - Fruity Stuff

Borknagar - Quintessence

Black Sabbath - Sabbath, Bloody...

D.R.I. - Four of A Kind

Technicolour - Way Out


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