Twin Peaks- ja Jaco Pastoriuksen hengessä bassolle on annettu ääni. Korkea ilma saa sykkeen kohoamaan vaikka tunnelma onkin harras...
Live Offensive From Horsefarm 8.9.2010 featuring Archer Hop (Sax), Ez-Moe (Bass), Merzi Tuomainen (Drs) and K-Darth (Gtr)
Live Offensive from Woodpecker Cunt 6.10.2010. A Virgin Recording from the new rehearsal place! Go into the mood of Tunisian nights!
Sometimes... Only sometimes nuts go EZ... Live Offensive from The Horsefarm 25.8.2010.
It's a long way back home through the galaxy!!! Live Offensive from the Horsefarm 18.8.2010.
A sedated fly awakes in a disco ball...
Live Offensive from the Horsefarm 28.4.2010.
After freedom from Disco Ball, Fly is nominated as Disco-Fly. He desides to go Jamaica! And clouds are low...
Live Offensive from the Horsefarm 28.4.2010.
Wanna play? Take your club and go to the tee...
Live offensive from the Horsefarm 14.04.2010
Hill-Billy's Fuse Is About To Blow!
Live offensive from the Horsefarm 10.2.2010
How Many Letters You've Ripped...?
Live offensive from the Horsefarm 17.2.2010
How Was Your Journey?
Hello, Hawk!
Live offensive from the Horsefarm 17.2.2010
Play That Tango, Jorge!
Hey Frankie!
Live offensive from the Horsefarm 17.2.2010
This was a phenomenon that was ment to be a good song for somebody else... It didn't. But the storm is increasing its gain anyway...