Heavy Metal

Lucifer's Lullabye 24.02.2011


LUCIFERS LULLABYE takes you deep into
the realm of nightmares and madness. Step inside...

-   0 149 kuuntelua
Melodic Metal

Within The Dark 12.07.2009


Within The Dark

Across abandoned streets
I try to find my way
The Darkness seems so deep
Is it night or is it day

These darkened, empty halls
Hear childrens play no more
Few drawings on the wall...
Dried bloodstains on the floor

Do I want to know
Just what went wrong
Behind these doors
A tragedy untold
Hidden deep within
Within the dark

I've opened rusted gates
Crawled alleys dark as hell
In forgotten basement
They say a demon lays in wait

A stench of rotting flesh
Through maze built with hate
I must find my way
This nightmare has to reach it's end

Do I want to know
Just what went...

-   0 196 kuuntelua
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