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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja MYYTY Harvinainen Ensoniq ASR-X SAMPLERI TYÖASEMA (laajennettu muisti 32MB)

48 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 11.01.2011 18:47 Muok:20.01.2011 01:08

Harvinainen ja aliarvostettu sampleri työasema myydään tarjousten perusteella tai vaihdetaan dj-sälään. voin lähettää kyseisestä yksiköstä kuvia kiinnostuneille. alempana hieman tietoa kyseisestä laitteesta. (kopioitu Vintage Synth Explorerin sivulta).

The ASR-X is a professional quality alternative to the Akai MPC-3000. It's a sampling, synthesizer, sequencer and effects studio in a single tabletop unit with professional sampler specifications, and easy yet professional sample editing features. Although it has been replaced by the ASR-X Pro, this instrument is still pretty great. For the most part, they're both the same - except the ASR-X is not as expandable. However it still has easy programming, excellent analog-like filters (low, high and bandpass with resonance), many sample-editing functions, digital effects and easy sequencing.

What separates the ASR-X Pro from the ASR-X? The newer Pro offers an already built-in SCSI interface for limitless storage to disk or drive; a cool new Flash OS system means you can upgrade it simply by inserting a floppy, no messing with ROM chips; a new Stomper program synthesizes phatt analog drum machine sounds (a built-in drum machine), giving the MPC-3000 a run for its groove; memory is expandable to 66MB; cool Resampling technology allows you to digitally resample with any effects and tweaks you've applied back through. Though this list is long, the older ASR-X is still a very modern machine with just about all you'll ever need in sampler of this type.


Polyphony - 32 voices
Sampler - 44.1kHz; 20-bit A/D, 18-bit D/A, 16-bit Memory; Stereo or mono; Sample-time: 2MB standard (20.5 seconds max), expandable
Filter - low-pass, hi-pass and band-pass resonant filters
Effects - 2 effect processors
Keyboard - 13 Velocity sensitive trigger pads
Memory - Disk: 1.4 MB Quad-density HD, 3.5" micro-floppy disk
Control - MIDI
Date Produced - 1997
Est. Value - $1,000



vinnieprima muokkasi viestiä 01:08 20.01.2011

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu