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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja "Paha" kolesteroli onkin hyvä

3600 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 08.05.2008 00:07


Japskitutkimuksen mukaan alhaisesta LDL-kolesteroliarvosta 'kärsiville' on todennäköisempää kuolla:

Low level of 'bad cholesterol' increases death rate, researchers find

A health study by Japanese researchers has found that people with low levels of LDL cholesterol -- often referred to as "bad cholesterol" -- are more likely to die than those with higher levels.

The finding comes as Japan prepares to introduce special health checkups from April, which list high LDL cholesterol as a factor in deciding whether a person has metabolic syndrome. It is likely the results of the survey will stir debate over the designation of LDL cholesterol as "bad."

The study was led by Tokai University professor Yoichi Ogushi, who surveyed roughly 26,000 people who had at least two health checkups between 1987 and 2006, following them for an average of 8.1 years. The subjects were divided into seven groups based on their LDL cholesterol readings, and the relationship between the readings and people's deaths was examined.

Researchers found that in terms of overall deaths, men and women in the group with the lowest LDL cholesterol level (79 milligrams per deciliter of blood or less) had the highest death rate.

For men, the yearly death rate worked out at about 3,400 deaths per 100,000 people - about 1.6 times higher than the group with the lowest death rate, whose LDL cholesterol level was between 140 and 159 milligrams. The figure for women stood at about 1,900 deaths per 100,000 people, or about 1.3 times more than the group with the lowest death rate, which covered people with LDL cholesterol levels between 120 and 139 milligrams per deciliter of blood.

When deaths were restricted to strokes and heart attacks -- ailments believed to be caused by high LDL cholesterol levels -- the death rate climbed for men with levels of 180 milligrams or more. For women, however, there appeared to be almost no relationship between their LDL cholesterol level and the death rate.

Deaths from cancer and respiratory ailments, on the other hand, increased among men and women with low LDL cholesterol levels, lifting the overall death rate.

Ogushi suggests that the appropriate LDL cholesterol level for men is between 100 and 180 milligrams per deciliter of blood. He suggests women should have a level of at least 120 milligrams.

In health checkups from April, people with readings of 120 milligrams or more will be advised to lower their LDL cholesterol levels, but Ogushi questions this advice.

"Excessively lowering an LDL level that is within an appropriate range is dangerous," he said. "Cholesterol is needed in the body and immune function drops when it is low, and it is possible that the death rate rises as a result."

Tiedätkö oman LDL-kolesteroliarvosi? Omani on 0,75 mmol/l, en tiedä paljonko se on milligrammoissa desilitraa kohden, jota artikkelissa käytetään mutta hoitaja sanoi, että tämä arvo on todella harvinainen. Näytettyäni lääkärilleni tätä veriarvoa, hän naureskeli että ompas matala LDL-arvo. KUOLENKO MINÄ? JOSKUS? ENTÄ SINÄ?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18460 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 08.05.2008 00:29

Ainaki mulal oli kolesterolilääkitys joka sai jalat menemään alta joten lopetin sen. Pitäs kait kysyä korvaavaa lääkettä.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu