Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja


Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja Persoonallisuuden ja taiteellisen makusi suhde...

Jumalan nyrkki
43152 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 11:02


Testaa miten taidemakusi ja persoonallisuutesi kotaavat.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Jumalan nyrkki
43152 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 11:03

Your favourite type of art is Impressionism.

In the personality profile you had a high intellectualism score, which suggests you like to think about abstract ideas and have a creative imagination.

People who are the same age and sex as you are most likely to prefer Impressionism

People who also score highly in your dominant personality trait are most likely to prefer Impressionism


Sinälläänhän tuo meni hassusti, että tykkään kyllä paljon abstraktista taiteesta, mutta kun noista abstrakteista moni oli vaan huonoja... tai siis pikemminkin selllaisia josta minä en pidä.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2467 viestiä

#3 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 11:19

Your favourite type of art is secular Islamic.

In the personality profile you had a high extraversion score, which suggests you enjoy meeting new people and going to events where there's lots going on.

People who are the same age and sex as you are most likely to prefer Impressionism

People who also score highly in your dominant personality trait are most likely to prefer Impressionism


Tossa testissä noi teokset oli kyl aika kehnoja kaikki. Tykkään kyl impressionismista, mut toi islamjuttu on aika härö. Mulla on kyl aika paska maku taiteen suhteen koska mulla on niin huono huumorintaju, semmonen Zappamainen, ei vaan voi vastustaa huonoutta ja huonoa huumoria. Luonteelta on just tommonen mulkku kun ei oo hetkeekään hiljaa

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3919 viestiä

#4 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 11:30


Sorry, the server is not able to provide the page you requested at this time:
This might be because:

* Access to this page is forbidden. This page cannot be displayed.
* An unexpected error may have occurred.


Voitinks mää?

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#5 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 11:35

Your favourite type of art is Abstract.

In the personality profile you had a high emotional intelligence score, which suggests you are well balanced and largely in control of your emotions.

jooh.. no kyl se sopii, en vaan nyt tiedä miten ne kuvat liitty tähän testiin

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7252 viestiä

#6 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 12:37

Your favourite type of art is Impressionism.

In the personality profile you had a high agreeableness score, which suggests you are keen to understand others’ feelings and put people at ease.

Pakko tunnustaa että en ihan tajunnut testin pointtia.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3117 viestiä

#7 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 13:05

Your favourite type of art is Impressionism.

In the personality profile you had a high emotional stability score, which suggests you are less likely to suffer from an 'emotional rollercoaster' of rapid mood swings.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Barbara Stewart-Baxter
2490 viestiä

#8 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 13:07

Your favourite type of art is Japanese ukiyo-e.

In the personality profile you had a high agreeableness score, which suggests you are keen to understand others’ feelings and put people at ease.

Mitähän tuokin sitten tarkoittaa?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18200 viestiä

#9 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 13:18

KoBa kirjoitti:

Sorry, the server is not able to provide the page you requested at this time:
This might be because:

* Access to this page is forbidden. This page cannot be displayed.
* An unexpected error may have occurred.


Voitinks mää?


^ Vastaa Lainaa

4818 viestiä

#10 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 14:17

Goatsemencommando kirjoitti:
KoBa kirjoitti:

Sorry, the server is not able to provide the page you requested at this time:
This might be because:

* Access to this page is forbidden. This page cannot be displayed.
* An unexpected error may have occurred.


Voitinks mää?



^ Vastaa Lainaa

Mika Björklund

#11 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 14:29

Your favourite type of art is Japanese ukiyo-e.

In the personality profile you had a high intellectualism score, which suggests you like to think about abstract ideas and have a creative imagination.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#12 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 15:21

Haava kirjoitti:
Your favourite type of art is Impressionism.

Sama. En oikein kyllä tiedä päteekö tuo minuun..

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1562 viestiä

#13 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 16:16

Jepu kirjoitti:
Your favourite type of art is Japanese ukiyo-e.

In the personality profile you had a high agreeableness score, which suggests you are keen to understand others’ feelings and put people at ease.


^ Vastaa Lainaa

5116 viestiä

#14 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 16:46

Of the styles of art we picked for the experiment, your answers suggest you like abstract art.


Your favourite type of art is Abstract.

Your personality profile suggests you are more focussed on practical matters than abstract ideas.


People who are the same age and sex as you are most likely to prefer Cubism

People who also score highly in your dominant personality trait are most likely to prefer Impressionism


Mä oon sit aika abstrakti miäs. Hulluhan mä.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11907 viestiä

#15 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 17:16

buranaC kirjoitti:
Mä oon sit aika abstrakti miäs. Hulluhan mä.

Sienet, ne sienet...

Sivu lykkäsi minulle 403sen. Tarkoittaako se että persoonallisuuteni on astetta ylempää nestemäistä sirinää ja rutkutusta? Hienoa.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Hombre Muerto
3489 viestiä

#16 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 19:28

"Your favourite type of art is secular Islamic.

In the personality profile you had a high intellectualism score, which suggests you like to think about abstract ideas and have a creative imagination."

Jehna, mikä testi. Se kysyy "oletko fiksu jätkä" ja mä laitan että "no tottakai" ja se antaa mulle tulokseksi, että "taidat olla aika fiksu jätkä ".

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3287 viestiä

#17 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 22:08


Mutta toi tekstinpätkä minkä toi syötti oli aika kuvaava...

Low extraversion

People with low extraversion scores tend to be happier with their own company. They may have a small number of close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances. Less keen on going to wild parties and meeting people, they are more able to make their own entertainment and don’t seek as much external stimulation.

Low agreeableness

People with low agreeableness scores are often fairly uncompromising. They refuse to be sentimental about other people and won't tolerate fools gladly. These people speak their mind and aren't afraid of offending people with their straight talking.

Average conscientiousness

People with average conscientiousness scores have a sense of responsibility and like to get the job done. However, they might concentrate more on the big picture and less on the details than people with high conscientiousness scores.

Average emotional stability

People with average emotional stability scores are more likely to have mood swings than people with high emotional stability scores. But they tend to have a less varied emotional life than people with low emotional stability scores. They are somewhere in between. They can be fairly relaxed and predictable, but may occasionally have strong emotional reactions to events.

High intellectualism

People with high intellectualism scores are interested the abstract. They like thinking about things they can't see and have creative imaginations, able to dream up whole new worlds. They like to feel they understand things and will probe deeply into a subject to get as good an insight as possible.

Average emotional intelligence

People with average emotional intelligence scores have a reasonably good emotional insight, but are only human. They believe they are relatively good at empathising with other people, though like anyone else they can occasionally get it wrong. Average scorers tend to see themselves as fairly well balanced, with some insight into their emotional make-up. They are pretty good at interacting with others and use their emotional insight to try to understand other people as well as they can.

Mutta jos tosta sais kaikista high:t niin oisko sitten parempi ihminen?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

6416 viestiä

#18 kirjoitettu 24.05.2007 22:24

Your favourite type of art is Cubism.

In the personality profile you had a high agreeableness score, which suggests you are keen to understand others’ feelings and put people at ease.

People who are the same age and sex as you are most likely to prefer Impressionism

People who also score highly in your dominant personality trait are most likely to prefer Impressionism


^ Vastaa Lainaa

Barbara Stewart-Baxter
2490 viestiä

#19 kirjoitettu 25.05.2007 11:59

lökö kirjoitti:
Jepu kirjoitti:
Your favourite type of art is Japanese ukiyo-e.

In the personality profile you had a high agreeableness score, which suggests you are keen to understand others’ feelings and put people at ease.


Mennääx reffeil?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1367 viestiä

#20 kirjoitettu 25.05.2007 12:27

Mika Björklund kirjoitti:
Your favourite type of art is Japanese ukiyo-e.

In the personality profile you had a high intellectualism score, which suggests you like to think about abstract ideas and have a creative imagination.


^ Vastaa Lainaa

2676 viestiä

#21 kirjoitettu 25.05.2007 16:05

Your favourite type of art is Abstract.

In the personality profile you had a high intellectualism score, which suggests you like to think about abstract ideas and have a creative imagination.

People who are the same age and sex as you are most likely to prefer Impressionism

People who also score highly in your dominant personality trait are most likely to prefer Impressionism

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Barbara Stewart-Baxter
2490 viestiä

#22 kirjoitettu 25.05.2007 17:46

Tua kirjoitti:
Jepu kirjoitti:
Your favourite type of art is Japanese ukiyo-e.

In the personality profile you had a high agreeableness score, which suggests you are keen to understand others’ feelings and put people at ease.

Samaa minullekkin tyrkyttelee.

Mennääks treffeil?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

715 viestiä

#23 kirjoitettu 25.05.2007 20:13

Your favourite type of art is Japanese ukiyo-e.

In the personality profile you had a high emotional intelligence score, which suggests you are well balanced and largely in control of your emotions.

Hi. ^^

People who are the same age and sex as you are most likely to prefer Impressionism

Aijaa.Mielenkiintoista.Olen erilainen nuori.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1120 viestiä

#24 kirjoitettu 25.05.2007 20:30

Your favourite type of art is secular Islamic.

In the personality profile you had a high emotional intelligence score, which suggests you are well balanced and largely in control of your emotions.

People who are the same age and sex as you are most likely to prefer Impressionism

People who also score highly in your dominant personality trait are most likely to prefer Impressionism

Mitähän tuohon nyt sanoisi. Suurin osa teoksista eivät miellyttäneet sitten pätkääkään. Pidän erikoisesta ja oudosta taiteesta, mutta tuntui että se ainoa "outo" aspekti tähän testiin oli revitty näistä "hei mulla on laatikkosilmä ja pillukorva" -söherryksistä.

...tai sitten en ymmärrä taiteesta yhtään mitään.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu