Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja


Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja Oh Boy How Glad I should Be !

81 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 03.11.2005 17:56

Why Mikseri Why ?

Why cannot i just simply make promotion for my songs using credit card such as mastercard or visa ???

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2676 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 04.11.2005 11:55

If you mean the Maksalaatikko-feature (the box in the front page, where people can promote their songs against a small fee), is it really so that youre not able to use SMS-messages?

Or what did you mean by 'making promotion'?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

499 viestiä

#3 kirjoitettu 04.11.2005 12:52

I think allowing credit cards would mean expensive deals with the credit card companies. Which would be bad for Mikseri.net.

If you absolutely have to advertise your projects in the "Maksalaatikko", you can always pay someone else with an access to a mobile phone to put up your advertisement.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

81 viestiä

#4 kirjoitettu 08.11.2005 07:56

Because I live in the gothenburg SMS option is no option for me.

But hey, I really now got several hints from U fellows how to promote the music without msn function.

Great thanx for U all!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

901 viestiä

#5 kirjoitettu 08.11.2005 08:53

Lex kirjoitti:
Why Mikseri Why ?

Why cannot i just simply make promotion for my songs using credit card such as mastercard or visa ???

Well, firstly, it costs quite a bit per month to have a creditcard payment service available. (Those Visa bastards rip us off)

Secondly, we haven't got time to think about this option. Maybe we should.

However, for time being, I hope you find a way to promote your tunes without credit card and within the rules.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#6 kirjoitettu 13.11.2005 23:24

Lex kirjoitti:
Why cannot i just simply make promotion for my songs using credit card such as mastercard or visa ???

TomiS kirjoitti:
Well, firstly, it costs quite a bit per month to have a creditcard payment service available. (Those Visa bastards rip us off)

Secondly, we haven't got time to think about this option. Maybe we should.

By the way, it's not only people outside Finland who can't pay with phone. For example I've got company's phone and I can't use commercial numbers (or what ever you call them). Of course I could get a second sim-card, but I'm too lazy...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

6692 viestiä

#7 kirjoitettu 16.01.2006 00:35

feenix kirjoitti:

feenix muokkasi viestiä 00:24 16.01.2006

Try to find some other hobby. That script isn't working at all.

Putte muokkasi viestiä 00:35 16.01.2006
Right-o.. erase your mistakes.

Putte muokkasi viestiä 00:52 16.01.2006
Little more editing for the sake of IE users.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

6692 viestiä

#8 kirjoitettu 16.01.2006 00:53

feenix kirjoitti:
actually it's works as said or you don't have javascript kykeneväinen browser.

Firefox 1.5. You 0.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

643 viestiä

#9 kirjoitettu 16.01.2006 01:22

Ravana kirjoitti:
I think the free promotion is the best way here. You can

1. Write a lot on the forums(which is bit difficult for English-speakers)
2. Listen to and comment other artists' pieces(This will eventually lead to returned feedback, I hear)
3. Promote your pieces in the demot-section, which is solely meant for that.
4. Just wait for someone to stumble upon your songs(this is also possible thanks to the ability to search for music)

I agree, this is the best way. Especially point number 2). Personally I tend to check out every single artist who happens to comment my songs. Even more frequently than just those who post adds with instant messages.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18460 viestiä

#10 kirjoitettu 31.01.2006 17:56

Ravana kirjoitti:
I think the free promotion is the best way here. You can

1. Write a lot on the forums(which is bit difficult for English-speakers)

..and it doesn't work.. you may get some listeners because they are intrested like "hmm.. who's that guy who's online 24/7.." but mostly they just listen but won't say anything..
2. Listen to and comment other artists' pieces(This will eventually lead to returned feedback, I hear)

That REALLY works.. I call it threating comments or something like that.. U give me comment, I give comment to track you advertise to me after commenting my track.. easy and fair.
3. Promote your pieces in the demot-section, which is solely meant for that.

I have promoted few times in demo -section and haven't get anything..
4. Just wait for someone to stumble upon your songs(this is also possible thanks to the ability to search for music)

Hmm.. I get mostly comments from users who like my music or users I have advertised with private messages.

I think private messages are pretty effective way to get comments, if u notice who have "ei mainoksia" banner and who doesn't..I doesn't.. (so advertise to me, Iusually listen and give some comment too, because I like commenting tracks and listening new music..)

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#11 kirjoitettu 02.03.2006 08:03

Why should anyone limit their advertising solely to mikseri.net?
Do it in other forums you use, and to your friends, and whatever.
There are many other forums about demos and stuff, sign in, chat a little and the you post "By the way check out my awesome band at www.mikser....".

^ Vastaa Lainaa

253 viestiä

#12 kirjoitettu 02.03.2006 09:40

Lord_Ebbos kirjoitti:
Why should anyone limit their advertising solely to mikseri.net?
Do it in other forums you use, and to your friends, and whatever.
There are many other forums about demos and stuff, sign in, chat a little and the you post "By the way check out my awesome band at www.mikser....".

Yeah maybe so, but here folks try to figure out how to get more comments to their music.
I think it warms artists more to get written feedback, than just to know that somebody listened their music.

And to participate on other forums doesn't quarantee comments, because only few outside Finland registrate themselves into Mikseri.net
But yeah, you're right, the "word" about site-Mikseri goes out much better if we mingle with other people outside Mikseri too!

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#13 kirjoitettu 05.03.2006 10:28

Getting comments on your songs is free, thanks to the new comment-ring system. So that shouldn't be a problem. Climbing the charts though is very hard without a way to advertise your song. (though nobody is really shure how the charts are formed..)

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#14 kirjoitettu 05.03.2006 10:55

I think I'll refer to the good old Beatles here: "Can't buy me love!". But of course you can buy me a lot of maksalaatikko.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu