Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja


Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu


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Kirjoittaja Mikseri.net English forum area opened

I'm back!
2531 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 11:39

Hi, and welcome to the brand new English section of the Mikseri.net forum!

This area is dedicated to English conversation only, so please don't use Finnish or any other languages here. For now, there are no restrictions on viable discussion topics, although the use of common sense is still encouraged.

Crash course to the Mikseri.net forum:

Basically the same rules apply as in most other forums. Offensive behavior, trolling, spamming and so on are not allowed.

The users with the status "Ylläpito" are the administrators.

Explanations of the most commonly used buttons:
- Aloita viestiketju = Start a new topic
- Vastaa = Reply
- Lainaa = Reply with quote
- Lähetä = Post message
- Esikatsele = Preview

In the highly unlikely scenario that there is something not covered in these instructions, please don't hesitate to ask!

More in-depth instructions on using Mikseri.net will be available sometime in the near future. Stay tuned!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

6684 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 12:07

You think there's enough of foregneirs to build useful conversations in a larger scale? I think mksr is still too finn-centred for this, but the existence of this area definitely could have a positive effect in the future.. Good idea, but maybe too early? Hope this pays out well.

edited at 12:18 26.09.2005
Just thought that copying Zitru's message at this conversation here could be useful. Maybe Zitru himself could do it?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11143 viestiä

#3 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 12:16

Putte kirjoitti:
You think there's enough of foregneirs to build useful conversations in a larger scale? I think mksr is still too finn-centred for this, but the existence of this area definitely could have a positive effect in the future.. Good idea, but maybe too early? Hope this pays out well.

Maybe the amount of the foregneirs is large enough, if the finns (who speak english) take part in these useful coversations too.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

6684 viestiä

#4 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 12:22

Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Maybe the amount of the forengeirs is large enough, if the finns (who speak english) take part in these useful coversations too.

Maybe.. I sure do hope so. I don't think we have so much to offer to these foreigneirs, besides of a place to spread their music.. On the contrast, they could have lot to offer us. After hearing some music of anymous foregneirs, i definitely hope that they'd come and share their knowledge with us.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#5 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 13:18

hooray! there is forum area for few dudes who almost never write anything to forums.... lets see when there will be first topicci in this thing ...

Dj ananas muokkasi viestiä 13:25 26.09.2005

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1572 viestiä

#6 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 14:44

Great. Mikseri.net goes global. And everybody gets new way to bitch about bad language of the others.

jakeriver thought again at 14:51 26.09.2005

(And this English thing would be next level of Mikseri.net, Mikseri goes Mixer.net :>

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2311 viestiä

#7 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 15:02

BVR kirjoitti:
Heheh.. English forum, and all posts are from finnish users..

Hmmm. I don't know did you notice, but someone english-speaking suggested this english forum area to be constituted. Can anybody write that link to that thread?

My English is awful, I know...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1572 viestiä

#8 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 16:22

Ravana kirjoitti:
jakeriver kirjoitti:
(And this English thing would be next level of Mikseri.net, Mikseri goes Mixer.net :>

I hope we'll never come to that...

But that would be great.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#9 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 16:26

douh! mikseri.net goes to mp3.net! (not sure is there any mp3.net but heard someone speaking about it....)

^ Vastaa Lainaa

670 viestiä

#10 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 16:54

Better than teh future. Ain't?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11143 viestiä

#11 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 17:49

BVR kirjoitti:
Heheh.. English forum, and all posts are from finnish users..

Yes, but now we (the finnish users) can insult each other in two languages. Isn't it brilliant?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4869 viestiä

#12 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 17:52

Dj ananas kirjoitti:
douh! mikseri.net goes to mp3.net! (not sure is there any mp3.net but heard someone speaking about it....)

Are you really too lazy to find out it by yourself?

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#13 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 18:06

Unlimitor kirjoitti:
Dj ananas kirjoitti:
douh! mikseri.net goes to mp3.net! (not sure is there any mp3.net but heard someone speaking about it....)

Are you really too lazy to find out it by yourself?

yes... i have much better things to do,.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#14 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:08

BVR kirjoitti:
Heheh.. English forum, and all posts are from finnish users..

Wasn't that the whole point? We can (why the hell in English there isn't good word for "päteä") make sure to everybody, we're better than they

Tekijä kirjoitti:
My English is awful, I know...

Mine too, but it don't bother anyone as long as everybody understands..

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4869 viestiä

#15 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:12

Dj ananas kirjoitti:
yes... i have much better things to do,.

Like being a fucking retard?

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#16 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:20

Unlimitor kirjoitti:
Like being a fucking retard?

He's one fucking idiot and 13.. I think that explains a lot of his idiotism..

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4869 viestiä

#17 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:23

Cerende kirjoitti:
Unlimitor kirjoitti:
Like being a fucking retard?

He's one fucking idiot and 13.. I think that explains a lot of his idiotism..

I think the main reason of his stupid behaviour is, that he's 13. I think someone should teach him a lesson...SQUEE LIKE A PIG!

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#18 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:26

Unlimitor kirjoitti:
I think the main reason of his stupid behaviour is, that he's 13. I think someone should teach him a lesson...SQUEE LIKE A PIG!

Just what I just said


Cerende muokkasi viestiä 19:33 26.09.2005

Even this goes to offtopic, can there even once be a thread that don't include some useless spam. And yes, I know, it's my fault as much as anybody elses..

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2648 viestiä

#19 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:27

Such great examples of polite Finnish forum talk, including all the classic terms like "fucking idiot" etc.

Anyway, this was definately a good idea. Now all we need is some quality conversation (mostly controversy, though...) and we all have a better life!

Rock on, dudes.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#20 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:32

atheos kirjoitti:
Such great examples of polite Finnish forum talk, including all the classic terms like "fucking idiot" etc.

Anyway, this was definately a good idea. Now all we need is some quality conversation (mostly controversy, though...) and we all have a better life!

Yes, you're right. I'm sorry. And I promise this is my last OT-posting to this thread.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4869 viestiä

#21 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:38

Cerende kirjoitti:
Just what I just said

I know you said it already, I just wanted to say, that it was the main reason.

Oh, it is so nice to päteä in my english-skillz...Now I think it would be better if I just "fade away" from this part of forum...

^ Vastaa Lainaa


Aeon Antenna
1772 viestiä

#22 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 19:56

atheos kirjoitti:
Such great examples of polite Finnish forum talk, including all the classic terms like "fucking idiot" etc.

Yeah, doesn't it just make you feel almost proud our great nation?

Seriously people, shape up! This section was requested, it didn't cost us a dime to put it up and it can be easily removed if a reason to do so would happen to present itself. So why not, instead of childish debates and apalling "insults", we all try and help this section to be one of style and value? Is this really the picture we want to give of our forum-posting capabilities?

Peace, love and a blessed +12 sword of troll-slaying.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#23 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 20:02

Putte wrote:

Just thought that copying Zitru's message at this conversation here could be useful. Maybe Zitru himself could do it?

Nice one.. Putting me to work..

Ok. This is how you add your song to mikseri.net, and it also explains how to create a project.

In order for this to work, make sure you're on the front page of mikseri.net and you're logged in.

1. Click Asetukset (which means options or configuration in english) from the top right corner, just above SMS-KAUPPA.

2. If you already have a project go to 4, otherwise click 'Uusi projekti' (=new project) and go to 3.

3. This is what the fields in project-creation are:

Projektin nimi = The name of the project,

Tyyli = style (you propably figured that one already..),

Salli biisien levittäminen muualla kuin Mikseri.netissä = Allow your tracks to be spreaded elsewhere than on mikseri.net server (you will propably be given proper credit if they are played somewhere),

Keikkaileva artisti = an artist doing live performances,
keikkamyynti = if you have someone who's arranging you the gigs, put their contact info here,

Jäsenet = people doing this project,

Historia = history,

Laitteisto = any instruments etc. used,

Idolit/vaikutteet = idols/influences,

Info is quite obvious, I hope,

Lyhyt esittely (näkyy esim. käyttäjäprofiilissa) = a short description (it shows for for example in your user profile).

Then just click Lisää projekti (=add project) and there you have it, a project!

4. Now that there is a project, it's just about adding the tracks in it. I'm not sure if it'll go straight to a project's control page when you create one, but in the Omat asetukset page there should be a link with the name of the project you created. Anyway, go to the project's 'hallinta' (=control) page. (It should read in the top of the page something like "Hallinta: [project name]" and the name of the page is "Projektin hallinta".

5. So, there you are.. I'll do a little explanatory in english about these commands as well..

Perustiedot = basic information about the project. If you just made a project, you know this page well...

Statistiikka = Statistics about your music in mikseri.net.

Soittolistastatistiikka = Playlist statistics (I won't explain the concept of mikseri.net's playlists here)

Idolit/vaikutteet = idols/influences (it's about getting search hits, so make it work)

Pikaosoite = it's an option to make a shorter, easier url for your project-page. (for instance www.mikseri.net/projectname)

Biisit = songs/tracks/pieces. this is where we are going to end up. More about it later

Päivitä logo (poista) = update/change logo (the link inside () will remove the logo. poista = delete)

Kotisivun ulkoasu = the appearance of the site. (colourcodes á la ffffff and such) if you know html, you can do some nasty things with this.

Ylläpito-oikeudet = if you have given someone else control over your project, it shows in this page who else than you has allowance to control this project. (Someone propably could explain this properly, I can't...)

Poista projekti = Delete the project. This can't be reversed, so handle with care...

Now that you know (or don't know) what is what, click on Biisit.

6. Click Lisää uusi biisi (=Add new song)

7. Then we fill out the information of the track:

Nimi = Name of the song

Genre = ...... genre?

Kansikuva = Cover picture. (you get to put a small picture of whatever
next to the song in your artist-page. size would be 70x70 pixels.)

Mp3 = the Mp3. Now you're propably getting excited already! Browse or type the 'address' of the mp3 in your hard drive.

Kuvaus = A description of the song. you can put lyrics or credits or whatever you want in here..

8. Click Seuraava (=Next) and wait with patience!! If you stop this procedure, your song will not be uploaded. This might take several minutes, so really, be patient!

9. If the next page that appears contains the information of your song, it's done properly. I still suggest you try to play your song with hi-fi AND download. if problems occur, go to 1....

I hope this is done properly enough... I'd hate to waste this much time on some gibrish jargon no one would understand...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#24 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 20:12

Tekijä kirjoitti:
BVR kirjoitti:
Heheh.. English forum, and all posts are from finnish users..

Hmmm. I don't know did you notice, but someone english-speaking suggested this english forum area to be constituted. Can anybody write that link to that thread?

My English is awful, I know...

Was it this thread?

Veneficus, how much gold you want on that blessed +12 sword of troll-slaying? And what type of sword is it? I'm personally into bastard swords...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3343 viestiä

#25 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 20:22

Wow this is cool, i had no idea this was coming. The maintenance staff have done it again! Good ol' boys!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#26 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 20:41

odkid kirjoitti:
Wow this is cool, i had no idea this was coming. The maintenance staff have done it again! Good ol' boys!

'The maintenance staff'... Sounds like a group of plummers in overalls...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2311 viestiä

#27 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 20:57

Hmm.. Why does it feels like that when people in here speak English, they use a lot more f-words than usually (speaking finnish)? And that same thing valids everywhere where Finnish youth speaks English.

Tekijä muokkasi viestiä 21:03 26.09.2005

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#28 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 21:01

Tekijä kirjoitti:
Hmm.. Why does it feels like that when people in here speak English, they use a lot more f-words than usually (speaking finnish)? And that same thing valids everywhere where Finnish youth speaks English.

Tekijä muokkasi viestiä 21:03 26.09.2005

Yea.. It seems that gangsta rap is educational after all..
A smilie with a concerned look

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
11143 viestiä

#29 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 21:12

Tekijä kirjoitti:
Hmm.. Why does it feels like that when people in here speak English, they use a lot more f-words than usually (speaking finnish)?

Well, not so many finnish words start with the letter "f".

KayKay (The Kekkonens who are dead), now unfunny also in english.

Kuolleet Kekkoset muokkasi viestiä 21:21 26.09.2005

Ps. Only 2 people have used the word "fucking" so far in this thread. (Quotes not counting).

^ Vastaa Lainaa


Aeon Antenna
1772 viestiä

#30 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 21:56

Zitru kirjoitti:
Veneficus, how much gold you want on that blessed +12 sword of troll-slaying? And what type of sword is it? I'm personally into bastard swords...

It is indeed a bastard sword. But it has proven itself to be of such tremendous value, that I'm really reluctant to even ponder upon the idea of selling it. But if you happen to have a ring of wishing lying around, I might consider a trade.

Welcome to the wonderful world of nerd humour!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3343 viestiä

#31 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 23:00

Zitru kirjoitti:
odkid kirjoitti:
Wow this is cool, i had no idea this was coming. The maintenance staff have done it again! Good ol' boys!

'The maintenance staff'... Sounds like a group of plummers in overalls...

I thought of that mr. It sounds more like those guys are doing something. I prefer it over 'administrators'.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3343 viestiä

#32 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 23:02

Veneficus kirjoitti:
Zitru kirjoitti:
Veneficus, how much gold you want on that blessed +12 sword of troll-slaying? And what type of sword is it? I'm personally into bastard swords...

It is indeed a bastard sword. But it has proven itself to be of such tremendous value, that I'm really reluctant to even ponder upon the idea of selling it. But if you happen to have a ring of wishing lying around, I might consider a trade.

Welcome to the wonderful world of nerd humour!

Didn't you guys know that WoW is the place for you. Too much WoW makes Veneficus and Zitru very dull boys.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#33 kirjoitettu 26.09.2005 23:12

odkid kirjoitti:

I thought of that mr. It sounds more like those guys are doing something. I prefer it over 'administrators'.

Well.. Yea.. perhaps.. Ehm.. So you think that 'maintenance staff' is really more descriptive of the admins than 'administrators' is? Even with the blue overalls and manual flush pumps?

Didn't you guys know that WoW is the place for you. Too much WoW makes Veneficus and Zitru very dull boys.

Damn... My 600MHz doesn't even run WoW...

I would so want to be dull...

- I <3 BGII

^ Vastaa Lainaa

d fast
1066 viestiä

#34 kirjoitettu 27.09.2005 01:01


..now all we need is them foreigners.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3919 viestiä

#35 kirjoitettu 27.09.2005 09:37

d fast kirjoitti:
..now all we need is them foreigners.

Yeap. I think, dj ananas is only user here, who speak english better than finish. Maybe there are more of them, but i haven't seem anyone...

KoBa muokkasi viestiä 11:47 27.09.2005
Yes, now i notice. There are few users, but is it reasonable to start this section?

KoBa muokkasi viestiä 11:50 27.09.2005
Hmm..? Mikseri.net is a finish site, so why we have english-section here, but no swedish-section?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

d fast
1066 viestiä

#36 kirjoitettu 27.09.2005 12:28

KoBa kirjoitti:
d fast kirjoitti:
..now all we need is them foreigners.

..dj ananas is only user here, who speak english better than finish.

puhuu paremmin kuin lopettaa? back to school, boy.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#37 kirjoitettu 27.09.2005 12:52

KoBa kirjoitti:

I think, dj ananas is only user here, who speak english better than finish.

That sure ain't much, yes?

Yes, now i notice. There are few users, but is it reasonable to start this section?

Is it reasonable to question the neccessarity of the section while it has already been created?

Hmm..? Mikseri.net is a finish site, so why we have english-section here, but no swedish-section?

Because sul on rumimmat kuteet ja pisin naama.

(Koska you have the ugliest outfit and the longest face.)

Zitru adding n(+1) to x(^2) 12:58 27.09.2005

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3343 viestiä

#38 kirjoitettu 27.09.2005 14:04

Zitru kirjoitti:
odkid kirjoitti:

I thought of that mr. It sounds more like those guys are doing something. I prefer it over 'administrators'.

Well.. Yea.. perhaps.. Ehm.. So you think that 'maintenance staff' is really more descriptive of the admins than 'administrators' is? Even with the blue overalls and manual flush pumps?

Ow man! You've got it all wrong... We don't have to bring that reserve-jesus system here. It's not so precise. Damn!

The maintenance administrators are the bestest!

odkid added a link there 14:14 27.09.2005

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#39 kirjoitettu 27.09.2005 15:23

odkid kirjoitti:

Ow man! You've got it all wrong... We don't have to bring that reserve-jesus system here. It's not so precise. Damn!

Hmm.. But this is supposed to be like a counter part for the finnish mikseri.net? I think we absolutely do need the vice-jesus system.

All who are with, say jaa!

The maintenance administrators are the bestest!

Yes, the maintenance and creativity support administrator staff crew posse are indeed pretty best at what they do (or don't do).

Zitru muokkasi viestiä 15:30 27.09.2005

I was just wondering... I haven't seen any non-finnish people in this thread...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

527 viestiä

#40 kirjoitettu 27.09.2005 15:30

This is, with dead certainty, bound to flunk.

Having said that, I'm off, head-first, to drown into a spitoon, full to the brim with pus.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1 2 3 Seuraava >

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu