Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu


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Kirjoittaja Pakko saada pasteta biisien lyriikoita 1

11309 viestiä

#521 kirjoitettu 23.03.2011 17:30

All the miles and all the trials, and cities made of gold
When there's a free way, a free way, a free way to carry you home

Tell the world, the young and old
and every boy and girl
that there's a free way, a free way, a free way to carry away

Oh what a feeling
Oh what a feeling
Notes from what you've learned
It came from Africa

Oh what a feeling
Oh what a feeling
Know the chosen ones
They came from everywhere
They come from everywhere
They come from everywhere

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1562 viestiä

#522 kirjoitettu 26.03.2011 21:26

JyRSiä kirjoitti:
550asEfgz8&feature=related" target="_blank" class="bb-url">They call me the Hiphopopotamus
My lyrics are bottomless...

Tuo on mahtava. Varsinki just tuo kohta.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#523 kirjoitettu 30.03.2011 17:27

So cold, in the night,
Where the river flows,
Where the river flows,
So cold, in the night,
Where the river flows,
Where the river flows,
Sail away,
Hey, I’m sorry,
Everyday is a new day.
Hooray for love,
Hey, I’m lonely,
Trying to find a new way.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

10911 viestiä

#524 kirjoitettu 04.04.2011 18:39

Masennuksen talviaatto, hiutaleineen ylleni laskeutuu
Peittää hattuni valkein pisaroin ja kiivaana pieksien lyö

Kenties olen nukkunut liian vähän, tarkemmin ottaen en kuukauden päiviin
On kaikenlainen pienikin käynyt ylivoimaiseksi ylleni kieppunut

Ei päivä minun auringossani vuosiin ole noussut
Ei sitä kiertävää palloa kukaan näkemään sattunut oo
Näet hukkaamaan mä maailmani satuin

Ikkunastani näkyy satamanlaituri, tuo meri ainain myrskyävät pilvet
Jotka liekkeinä taivasta repii, kiskoo korkeuksiin aaltojen harjat

Olen päättänyt noustua aamun, myrskyn raivoavan vaivuttua uneen
Käydä ikkunalautani reunaan ja liitää kyyhkynä pilviin

Ei päivä minun auringossani vuosiin ole noussut
Ei sitä kiertävää palloa kukaan näkemään sattunut oo
Näet hukkaamaan mä maailmani satuin

Kellot kellot kullan kirkkaat, mua saattaen käy

^ Vastaa Lainaa

445 viestiä

#525 kirjoitettu 04.04.2011 18:42

tää o burzumilta

I wonder how winter will be
with a spring that I shall never see
I wonder how night will be
with a day that I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a light I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a pain that lasts eternally

tosi syvällistä mun mielestä

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#526 kirjoitettu 08.04.2011 09:37

I look into the mirror
See myself, I'm over me
I need space for my desires
Have to dive into my fantasies
I know as soon as I'll arrive
Everything is possible
Cause no one has to hide
Beyond the invisible

^ Vastaa Lainaa

10911 viestiä

#527 kirjoitettu 09.04.2011 22:45

kun se ensi kerran tuli sisään hyttysverkon raosta
se oli enemmänkin savua kuin kiinteätä ainetta
oli kosketuskin keveä kuin ilmavirta iholla

kun se toisen kerran tuli oli reikä hyttysverkossa
lattialle jäi vana tahmeata ainetta
sen kosketus oli kylmä kuin jääpala iholla
ja sitten kaikki muuttui

nyt haistan kuka jää ja haistan kuka lähtee
nyt haistan kuun, nyt haistan tähdet
nyt haistan sateenkaaren, haistan revontulet
nyt haistan unet, nyt haistan kaikki salaisuudetkin

kun koitti kolmas kerta oli hyttysverkko riekaleina
lattialla kynnenjäljet, matot oli rutussa
minuun jätti jäljet kivuliaat mustanpuhuvat
ja sitten lisää muutuin

se tuli vielä kerran vieden minut mukanaan
jäi jälkeen heikko tuoksu, se säilyi vuosikausia
niin tuttu että sattuu mutta mahdotonta tunnistaa
tuoksu jonka melkein näkee, jonka melkein maistaa

nyt haistan kuka jää ja haistan kuka lähtee
nyt haistan kuun, nyt haistan tähdet
nyt haistan sateenkaaren, haistan revontulet
nyt haistan unet
nyt haistan kaikki salaisuudetkin

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#528 kirjoitettu 09.04.2011 23:05

I'm a disciple of science
I know the universe is compliance with natural laws,
but many place reliance on the psuedo-science of quacks and
morons and fools because,
their educations deficient,
they put faith in omniscient,
make believe beings who control their fate,
but the Hawk ain't with it, dig it,
their Holy writ ain't the least bit legit,
its a bunch of bullshit.

They need to read a book that ain't so damn old old,
let reason take hold,
though truth to be told,
they're probably already too far gone,
withdrawn, the conclusion foregone.
But maybe there is still hope for the young,
if they reject the dung being slung from the tongues,
of the ignorant fools who call themselves preachers,
and listen instead to their science teachers.

Upon blind faith they place reliance,
what we need more of is science!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Soldier of Love
9011 viestiä

#529 kirjoitettu 09.04.2011 23:28

Minnie Riperton: Inside My Love

Two people, just meeting
Barely touching each other
Two spirits greeting
Trying to carry it further
You are one and I am another
We should be one inside each other

You can see inside me
Will you come inside me?
Do you wanna ride inside my love?
You can see inside me
Will you come inside me?
Do you wanna ride inside my love?

Two strangers, not strangers
only lacking the knowing
So willing, feeling, infinite growing

While we're here the whole world is turning
We should be one
Fulfilling our yearning

You can see inside me
Will you come inside me?
Do you wanna ride inside my love?
You can see inside me
Will you come inside me?
Do you wanna ride inside my love?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#530 kirjoitettu 10.04.2011 14:07

Yviss, m'evelien vente cáelm en tell
Elaine Ettariel
Aep cor me lode deith ess'viell
Yn blath que me darienn
Aen minne vain tegen a me yn toin av muireánn
Que dis eveigh e aep llea...

L'eassan Lamm feainne renn, ess'ell,
Elaine Ettariel,
Aep cor aen tedd teviel e gwen
Yn blath que me darienn
Ess yn e evellien a me
Que shaent te cáelm a'vean minne me striscea...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7 viestiä

#531 kirjoitettu 10.04.2011 15:11

Kennedy's shattered head hits concrete
Ride, Johnny, ride
Johnny's wife is floundering
Johnny's wife is scared
Run, Jackie, run
Texas is an outrage when your husband is dead
Texas is an outrage when they pick up his head
Texas is the reason that the president's dead


^ Vastaa Lainaa

4644 viestiä

#532 kirjoitettu 12.04.2011 15:45

and here's where we died that time last year,
and here's where the angels and devils meet.
and you can dance with the queen if you need,
and she will always keep your cards close to her heart.

before they tear you apart.

The Gaslight Anthem - American Slang

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#533 kirjoitettu 13.04.2011 08:14

Many years ago today something grew
inside of your mother...
That thing was you



Did she scream did she cry
Only those that are born are the ones that
Get to die

One more year closer to dying
Rotting organs ripping grinding
Biological discordance
Birthday equals self abhorrence

Years keep passing aging always
Mutate into vapid slugs
Doctor gives a new perscription
Bullet in a fucking gun

One more year closer to dying
Plastic surgeons fuel the lying
You forget why you came in here
Your mind rots with every New Year

For the DETH of thee
You have little time
And you're running out of life

Happy Birthday
You're gonna die

Now you're old and full of hatred
Take a pill to masturbatred
Children point to you and scream
Because they will become that thing

One more year of further suffering
There's no point of fucking bluffing
Open up your DETHDAY present
It's a box of fucking nothing

For the DETH of thee
You have little time
And you're running out of life


For the DETH of thee
You have little time
And you're running out of life

Happy Birthday
You're gonna die

^ Vastaa Lainaa

uninen runoilija
903 viestiä

#534 kirjoitettu 13.04.2011 23:37

Entwine - Break me

Bring it up
Tear me down
May the world go around 'n' around
At the end of desire
your world falls down and dies
Bring it on

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1526 viestiä

#535 kirjoitettu 14.04.2011 00:09

The black paper between a mirror breaks my heart
The moon frayed thru dark velvet lightly apart
Steal softly thru sunshine
Steal softly thru snow
The wild goose flies from winter
Breaks my heart that I can't go
Energy flys thru a field
'n the sun softly melts a nothing wheel
Steal softly thru sunshine
Steal softly thru snow
The black paper between a mirror breaks my heart that I can't go
The swan their feathers don't grow
They're spun
They live two hundred years of love
They're one
Breaks my heart to see them cross the sun
Grain grows rainbows up straw hill
Breaks my heart to see the highway cross the hill
Man lived a million years 'n still he kills
The black paper between a mirror
Breaks my heart that I can't go
Steal softly thru sunshine
Steal softly thru snow

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#536 kirjoitettu 14.04.2011 00:15

There's someone down below blowing you a kiss.
They watch from their windows
as all arms fall to their sides,
and all eyes fix on the death of tomorrow.
And you found everything you need
to make a life complete,
completely revolting and they have safety and relief
For sale up the street.
I see you in line every day

You had time to waste and I'm not sorry,
such a basket case, hide the cutlery.
I had time to kill, it's dead and buried.
You've got guts to spill but no one trustworthy.

These creatures are waking up in these dark trees.
Awaiting like vultures.
Eyes roll back turn white in time to feed
They salivate in hunger.
for you, and everything they need
to make a death complete,
completely unnatural and salvation lies
behind those dead eyes that watch you while you sleep every night, and

You had time to waste and I'm not sorry,
such a basket case, hide the cutlery.
I had time to kill, it's dead and buried.
You've got guts to spill but no one trustworthy.

You had time to waste and I'm not sorry,
such a basket case, hide the cutlery.
I had time to kill, it's dead and buried.
You've got guts to spill but no one trustworthy.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11907 viestiä

#537 kirjoitettu 14.04.2011 00:49

There was a time
when rock and roll was easy
But now
and heavy



^ Vastaa Lainaa

11907 viestiä

#538 kirjoitettu 15.04.2011 19:05

way back in '68
Ohio, Kent State
was nothing
so great

^ Vastaa Lainaa

uninen runoilija
903 viestiä

#539 kirjoitettu 17.04.2011 15:02

Tyttö näki sillalta kuinka mustaa
Vesi oli alhaalla jossakin...
Äiti kysyi: Miksi tuo runoja rustaa?
Lapsi on kai päästänsä sekaisin...
Tyttö itki hetken ja katsoi taakseen -
Villinä soi huokaus kaupungin...
Kuinka tämän tuntisi omaksi maakseen?
Vesi oli mustaa kuin aikakin...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7252 viestiä

#540 kirjoitettu 21.04.2011 19:39

She's in love with herself - she likes the dark
on her milk white neck - the Devil's mark

^ Vastaa Lainaa

5116 viestiä

#541 kirjoitettu 21.04.2011 20:39

HW kirjoitti:
She's in love with herself - she likes the dark
on her milk white neck - the Devil's mark


Mie en osaa sanoa nyt muuta ku

Invocation summoning

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11907 viestiä

#542 kirjoitettu 30.04.2011 18:00

logic logic
Nothing makes sense anyway
logic logic
Nothing makes sense anyway

Nothing makes sense anyway

Logic makes sense every day

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4644 viestiä

#543 kirjoitettu 04.05.2011 10:54

Elämä lyhyt ku mun lähimuisti.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7993 viestiä

#544 kirjoitettu 04.05.2011 14:44

I've got a little black book with my poems in.
Got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in.
When I'm a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone in.

I got elastic bands keepin my shoes on.
Got those swollen hand blues.
Got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from.
I've got electric light.
And I've got second sight.
And amazing powers of observation.
And that is how I know
When I try to get through
On the telephone to you
There'll be nobody home.

I've got the obligatory Hendrix perm.
And the inevitable pinhole burns
All down the front of my favorite satin shirt.
I've got nicotine stains on my fingers.
I've got a silver spoon on a chain.
I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains.

I've got wild staring eyes.
And I've got a strong urge to fly.
But I got nowhere to fly to.
Ooooh, Babe when I pick up the phone

There's still nobody home.

I've got a pair of Gohills boots
and I got fading roots.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#545 kirjoitettu 04.05.2011 16:03

intimate. we scrape together.
spark plug love. machine lust.
red hands. burnt skin. words.
sliding under our skin.
sliding into our heads.
but I only hear nonsense.

metal fingers clash. fuse together
strip yr steel. yr rust protection.
dull yr shine. suck yr slag. molten metal.
bubbling in yr mouth.
burning my lips as I kiss you.
burning my eyes.

gears grind. tear us apart.
insides shredded. screws loose.
power surge. fuses blown. sweat.
glues us together.
short circuits our brains.
shatters our bodies.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11907 viestiä

#546 kirjoitettu 04.05.2011 17:00

I'm in control
in this domain
I feel at home
inside the maze
It keeps me safe
it keeps me clean

I step aside
into the shade
I'm here to watch
to read the signs
I walk alone
I go unseen
from place to place
in fading light
I move ahead the tracks

Pre-millenial tension
your premonition
your guillotine
Pre-millenial tension
your premonition
your guillotine

Pre-millenial tension

There's something wrong
you feel it too
I read your mind
an open book

I sense your fear
It's in your bones
a crushing load
a grinding stone

You dream at night
in shallow sleep
the demon's breath
is in the air

It will not ask
these are the days
So pay attention
you are not alone

Pre-millenial tension
your premonition
your guillotine
Pre-millenial tension
your premonition
your guillotine

Pre-millenial tension

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7993 viestiä

#547 kirjoitettu 05.05.2011 15:33

I. Prelude

When our weary world was young
The struggle of the ancients first began
The gods of love and reason
Sought alone to rule the fate of man

They battled through the ages
But still neither force would yield
The people were divided
Every soul a battlefield ...

II. Apollo: Bringer of Wisdom

'i bring truth and understanding
I bring wit, and wisdom fair
Precious gifts beyond compare
We can build a world of wonder
I can make you all aware'

'i will find you food and shelter
Show you fire to keep you warm
Through the endless winter storm
You can live in grace and comfort
In the world that you transform'

The people were delighted
Coming forth to claim their prize
They ran to build their cities
And converse among the wise

But one day the streets fell silent
Yet they knew not what was wrong
The urge to build these fine things
Seemed not to be so strong

The wise men were consulted
And the bridge of death was crossed
In quest of dionysus
To find out what they had lost ...

III. Dionysus: Bringer of Love

'i bring love to give you solace
In the darkness of the night
In the heart's eternal light
You need only trust your feelings
Only love can steer you right'

'i bring laughter, I bring music
I bring joy and I bring tears
I will soothe your primal fears
Throw off those chains of reason
And your prison disappears'

The cities were abandoned
And the forests echoed song
They danced and lived as brothers
They knew love could not be wrong

Food and wine they had aplenty
And they slept beneath the stars
The people were contented
And the gods watched from afar

But the winter fell upon them
And it caught them unprepared
Bringing wolves and cold starvation
And the hearts of men despaired ...

IV. Armageddon: The Battle of Heart and Mind

The universe divided
As the heart and mind collided
With the people left unguided
For so many troubled years
In a cloud of doubts and fears
Their world was torn asunder
Into hollow hemispheres

Some fought themselves, some fought each other
Most just followed one another
Lost and aimless like their brothers
For their hearts were so unclear
And the truth could not appear
Their spirits were divided
Into blinded hemispheres

Some who did not fight
Brought tales of old to light
My 'rocinante' sailed by night
On her final flight

To the heart of cygnus' fearsome force
We set our course
Spiralled through that timeless space
To this immortal place

V. Cygnus: Bringer of Balance

I have memory and awareness
But I have no shape or form
As a disembodied spirit
I am dead and yet unborn
I have passed into olympus
As was told in tales of old
To the city of immortals
Marble white and purest gold

I see the gods in battle rage on high
Thunderbolts across the sky
I cannot move, I cannot hide
I feel a silent scream begin inside

Then all at once the chaos ceased
A stillness fell, a sudden peace
The warriors felt my silent cry
And stayed their struggle, mystified

Apollo was atonished
Dionysus thought me mad
But they heard my story further
And they wondered, and were sad

Looking down from olympus
On a world of doubt and fear
Its surface splintered
Into sorry hemispheres

They sat a while in silence
Then they turned at last to me
'we will call you cygnus,
The God of balance you shall be'

V. The Sphere: A Kind of Dream

We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim

Let the truth of love be lighted
Let the love of truth shine clear
Armed with sense and liberty
With the heart and mind united
In a single perfect sphere

^ Vastaa Lainaa

5116 viestiä

#548 kirjoitettu 07.05.2011 08:24

yeah that’s right
yeah, that’s right
yeah that’s right + *giggle*


^ Vastaa Lainaa

4644 viestiä

#549 kirjoitettu 07.05.2011 11:35


^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#550 kirjoitettu 07.05.2011 11:59

Haleiliaa, leiliiaa, leiliaaeeaa leilei
Haleileiaa leileiaa leileiaa jajajaja

^ Vastaa Lainaa

15369 viestiä

#551 kirjoitettu 09.05.2011 21:05

Oh my broken lamb
I worry when you cry
Baby's gonna fetch ya
Horses in the sky

Though dead hands ring the garden
And these are violent times
And violence brings more violence
And liars bring more lies

Though we was born defeated
Worried, tired and scared
And monsters build mean robots
Launching rockets into the air

And the wealth of our nations
Fed on angel blood
And our cities shot with moneyed schemes
Built on twigs and mud

And our schools look like prisons
And our prisons look like malls
And downtown's just a sick parade
Where no-one cares at all

And our hero's all died crazy
Broken, poor or shot
Let's celebrate their tragedy
And sanctify the loss

And manifest the daydream
Like those who fell before
And glorify our small attempts
And hate ourselves no more

Blow words between these sucker's teeth
And bind these panicked hands
Lose your heart like a clumsy bell
Please be well

And all i true love
Is the light
In my sister's darling eyes

^ Vastaa Lainaa

10911 viestiä

#552 kirjoitettu 09.05.2011 22:03

Näin unta yhtenä yönä että Baabel tuhottiin
Ei aikaa ole tuhlata pakenen vuorille
Nousin ylös ja hätkähdin, kuin unesta havahduin
Sillä pasuuna kuului taivaalta
Voi Luoja miten pakenin kuutostielle iskin
Kuljin ylös pohjoiseen
Juoksin niin kovaa kuin jaloista pääsin
Ohi Imatran ja Simpeleen
Niin kuin tuhottiin Sodoma ja Gomorra
Niin jälleen tuhotaan
Ja ne nousivat meitä tuomitsemaan
Teidän synti on suurempi
Ja jälleen kuului pasuuna tuota ensimmäistä kovempi
Kansa juoksi ilman suojaa
Jossain kaukana räjähti
Ja tuhon enkeli maantiellä näin kulki tuhoa kylvään
Vaan kun katsoin sitä tarkemmin - ryssäkenraali

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1526 viestiä

#553 kirjoitettu 09.05.2011 23:42

ihanainen maa
rajan takana
siellä oottaa maatuska
siellä oottaa maatuska

Siellä oottaa vapaus
siellä oottaa vankila
sinne tahdon mennä
ota mut, äiti Venäjä
ota mut, äiti Venäjä

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#554 kirjoitettu 10.05.2011 05:00

Death reveals to man what he really is

Is death freedom from this world?
The one's who knew you will soon FORGET
That you have now attained WHAT YOU WANTED
So why should it be HAUNTING YOU?

As the generations past and time leaves you behind
Existence will be now erased from other people's minds
so that once a living being affecting many other lives
I can see that all you feel is PLEASURE

Are you unaware that there is comfort found in pain?
The endlessness of all the thoughts compounding in your head
shows you the tragedy of willingly, wanting to be here.
Existence is meaningless in OUR WORLD

Hurt that frequents your mind a constant memory
Of a life that is not always WANTING
To be free of all the PAIN AND HATRED
I can almost feel it WHY CAN'T YOU

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18460 viestiä

#555 kirjoitettu 13.05.2011 03:13

What is that funny light and sound
Calling me, in my head, repeatedly?
What is that vision there in sight
Before my eyes?
So prominent
So mesmerising, turbulent
You've got a hold on me
Your ingenuity
Seems to be driving me down on my knees
The force you generate
You reinvigorate
Your body tells them 'No mistakes'
For I'm already droll
Close to the divine
Toxic human images are rushing through my mind
Embodiment of sin, has seen a way within
Sensation seems to multiply
They're building up inside
Carried through the night
Radiating light
I see you move the crowd
I know what you're about
The stories I have heard
To talk about excess
I know what people say
But surely you impress?
Caressed by a pill
You elevated soul
Vanity and pride
An addict to one
A universal force
A one and only kind
A thing I can't control
No matter how I try
What have you done to me?
This kind of chemistry
Emotions running over me
And when you arch your back
Just when you stay like that
When it's natural to interact
When others holding back
Ready to commence
Caught up in your bliss
You're so confusing and intense
Synergy of two
Energy go wild
See the stars aligned and spinning
Our name out in the sky
Jealousy in sight
So fascinating ride
So much faith between
Floating up the steam
Calling out so loud
Beautiful and true
Mystery about
Everything you do
Caressed by a drug
You elevated soul
Vanity and pride
An addict to one
A universal force
A one and only kind
A thing I can't control
No matter how I try
This electricity
Injected into me
Emotions running over me
And when you're getting close
You touch my innermost
A feeling deep inside me knows
On a floaty light
Carried through the night
We have got it all
I get through without
Flowing in my veins
Ribbing through my soul
I'll never be the same
The secret can't be told
Charismatic pill
You elevated soul
Vanity and pride
An addict to one
A universal force
A one and only kind
A thing I can't control
No matter how I try

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#556 kirjoitettu 13.05.2011 10:37

thunderous resonant sounds call from beyond the depths
and the winds of gravity change,
in memories of the consciousness of the ancient rocks,
nature's answer to the eternal question

the tunnels of the sky
meet under oceans
and fall into the vortex of Bermuda
the secret of the poles
where the eskimo never existed

the lightning,
the megatons of water
they fly within
a spinning thunderous vortex

at the poles of the world
in the labyrinth of lost directions
mankind's falsehood is the weight of gravity
current current current

the sun has moved
where the lines of the compass lay vertical
at the gates
where the world inside
stands alone in front of eternity
in the 4 fields of the hollow earth

i search for the riddle of the clouds
where the new world shall form from clouds
gouging funnels in the great abyss of the sky

where tunnels open into great nothing
and the giant spaces that rent gravity
unto the depths of the earth
alight becomes the riddle of the labyrinth
where the channels of the junction
reform the ethos
and forgot

i search for the riddle of the clouds
from where a new world shall form
a tunnel gouges in the shapes
of the stream in the great abyss
of the sky

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#557 kirjoitettu 16.05.2011 21:26

Never want to be old
And I don’t want dependence
It’s no fun to be told
That you can’t blame your parents anymore

I’m finding it hard
To hang from a star
Don’t want to be
Never want to be old

Sullen and bored the kids stay
And in this way they wish away each day…
Stoned in the mall the kids play
And in this way wish away each day…

I don’t really know
If I care what is normal
And I’ m not really sure
If the pills I’ve been taking are helping

I'm wasting my life
Hurting inside
I don’t really know
And I’m not really sure

Sullen and bored the kids stay
And in this way they wish away each day…
Stoned in the mall the kids play
And in this way wish away each day…

Sullen and bored the kids stay
And in this way they wish away each day…
Stoned in the mall the kids play
And in this way wish away each day…

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11309 viestiä

#558 kirjoitettu 21.05.2011 16:20

She'll go down there to nowhere soon
She'll stand there still with her head in the moon
I will be her nowhere man
We're not named until the end
Ooh ooh

That girl was so much better than me
But it always goes wrong
There's no cure for the lonely
With loneliness she'll sink in the sand
I feel the heat go out of her hand

We were born with our face to the wall
We only have one chance to crawl
When we laid down there I held your hand
And never feel your body again
Ooh ooh

Cut down the preacher, he just lies
Burn all the books that closed my mind
Destroy it all, it's all untrue
How can I even breathe without you

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1526 viestiä

#559 kirjoitettu 24.05.2011 20:28 Muok:24.05.2011 20:28

Olioista sinänsä et mitään tietää voi
Siis nöyrästi vain polvistu kun kirkonkellot soi
Materia ruma sana, lausua ei saa
Muuten kaatuu pyhä kirkko, pörssi romahtaa

Hail Hitler, heijaa heijaa hei
Arjalainen henki Aatun kansleriksi vei
Hail Hitler, heijaa heijaa hei
Arjalainen henki Aatun kansleriksi vei

Paavi, Rudi Steiner mulle oppi-isät on
Viesteihin mä uskon melkein joka meedion
Aldous Huxleyn tavoin omaan napaan tuijotan
LSD:stä viisauden löydän suurimman

Sat-cit-ānanda, jotain kullekin
Valita voit Nietzschen taikka toisen heppulin
Sat-cit-ānanda, jotain kullekin
Valita voit Nietzschen taikka toisen heppulin

Jungin kanssa sielun syövereitä tutkailen
Aidossa olemisessa eksisteerailen
Moraali ei järky senhän takaa NRA
Kiitän Adolf Hitleristä Herraa Jumalaa

Hallelujaa, gospodi pomilui
Mielenrauhan mulle Rasputinin sauna toi
Hallelujaa, gospodi pomilui
Mielenrauhan mulle Rasputinin sauna toi

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7252 viestiä

#560 kirjoitettu 24.05.2011 20:37

Movin' to the country
Gonna eat a lot of peaches
I'm moving to the country
I'm gonna eat me a lot of peaches

^ Vastaa Lainaa

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