From Michael Tsarion Blog:
And remember this friend - Civilizations rise and fall. Every one of them is based on Consciousness. They are the extension of the human ego which also has a birth and death day. Oh, but you did not know that. The historians, psycho-babblers, priests and teachers forgot to mention that. So you don't know that human ego-life is coming to an end. You did not know or suspect that god, and that which created him, can die. Well, you have just been told. The Maya saw four creations come and go, so there is nothing new there people. This cycle of creation has gone from beginning to end without the intermediate stage of civilization. Same doing.
The real Armageddon, the real war - is on CONSCIOUSNESS. Other brawls are merely an adroitly crafted distraction to prevent you from knowing this. What you get on TV is a global snuff film courtesy of her majesty, designed to drain every ounce of self-will and power from your mind and heart. Yes, the war is against that which is most precious in this world of men - Reason, Virtue, Sanity, Freedom, and Selfhood. Professor Tolkein has told you now, and "V" had something to say on the subject. Where you listening?
You, or your country, can choose the way of love or the way of power. Choice is given man to show who and what he is. If you chose the wrong road there is time to change direction. But if you have chosen wrongly you will be held accountable by the higher self (the Holy Spirit) that suffers from your neglect and endorsement of lies and death. The Holy Spirit approaches and many minds are worried. They know that the end is approaching and that the Cleansing is at hand. Therefore, its "party to the end" and "let’s get smashed." The saber's rattle and the wolves of mayhem are unleashed.
Can you find the still-point in the midst of all of it? Or will you tranquilize yourself all the more. Will you edit, or will you observe. And will you stop the "Worm tongues" within and without? Don't lie to yourself and say that you have chosen the path of love if there is no truth in your world or heart. Where truth is there will love be found also? Don't expect to find love without its companion and protector. You won't find Shakti without Shiva, or Frodo without Samwise, or Lord Aragorn without his Elf mate watching his back, arrows at the ready.
The President’s job, is not to wield power himself, but to lead attention away from it - Douglas Adams (Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Universe)
When the right wing Freemason is finished, his left wing brother takes over - Yuri Lina (Architects of Deception)
The so-called Left-Right political spectrum is our creation. In fact, it accurately reflects our careful, artificial polarization of the population on phony issues that prevents the issue of our power from arising in their minds - (The Occult Technocracy of Power)
The elementary principle of all deception is to attract the enemy’s attention to what you wish him to see & to distract his attention from what you so not wish him to see - General Sir Archibald Wavel
He who takes a stand is often wrong, but he who fails to take a stand is always wrong - Anonymous
To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else - Bernadette Devlin (Activist and Politician, Northern Ireland)
A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take away from you - Fmr US Attorney General Ramsey Clark
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has - Margaret Meade