"Yes, what you describe is correct. It is the goal of a true artist to be in touch with all that you describe but it is also the goal of every true artist to get beyond it. And in getting beyond it she becomes a perfect mirror. A true artist sees what it is going on around them with more intensity than most, with more clarity than most and serves NO MASTER. The evolution of an artist is to get to the place where they serve no master not even in the form of their own ego trips. Just as WHITE contains every color so to does their work contain all that they know all that they see. A true artist doesn't leave out any of it. This is how I think of it; I am a channel for what comes through me, what I put on the page is not mine but comes through me as an INDIVIDUAL- (my own individual co-ordinates) and the less clouded the channel the clearer is the message that comes through me for the upliftment of the spirit to allow others to see there's a way out. All the rest is "political art", one-sided. To be slightly mundane about it-to become an artist is like practising classical piano and then one all of a sudden breaks out in JAZZ! Thus the artist becomes the self-taught master."
You are quite right, the Artist must be concerned with truth...but that is not as easy as it might first appear, which is why a lot of Artists get stumpted when that is their sole aspiration...
You see the Artist is primarily a MIRROR. He can serve Venus as he mostly does, for it is she, his Muse, that has bestowed his creativity. But he can serve Mars, which gives him the energy to go against the norm and create, create, create, until his brain is ready to explode. He can serve Uranus, and be different than others in his expression. He can serve the Moon and express the deepest emotions. He can serve Neptune and fall to great depths in order to know the nothingness which all things emerged from. And he can also serve the dark god Pluto, and depict all that is wrong with life, and all that stands against Truth. Truth itself can have no mirror and needs to agents. But in the way of truth, and all around its shrine is false truth and dirt and crud that man has erected there. The Artists job is draw sign-posts to that. His job is not just to decorate man's prison cell. As most "artists" do.
Ultimately, the Artist serves the Gods of Deconstruction. He is a weilder of the flame against untruth. He is a wayshower, a door-opener, a Magician that allows us to teach ourselves about the greatest things.
He is the one who does not talk about Truth, love, peace, justice, or freedom, but one who shows us all those things which are NOT these.
And the true artist knows his limitations...knows that the visage of truth cannot be painted by ANY brush, or captured by any song or symphony...It is the nature of man and not the other than concerns the artist. And he is to show that nature for what it really is, in all its working parts.
The job of Art is to remind us of the inherent perfection in all real things, made by man or made by nature.
That is why true Artists are few in the world today. Most of those who call themselve artists, are merely decorators of a rotten edifice which has long passed its condemned date.