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Making Reality

paste foorumilta:

"I believe that those on very low spiritual levels are easily offended and are usually very, very picky about the truth they will accept. Truth must be sweet, nice and rosy and must kiss up to them in order for such easily offended people to accept it. Because of this I feel that most throw away golden opportunities for a better life on a regular basis.

It would be so easy to spiritually advance if most everyone was interested in such advancement. What I find are a people so brainwashed into their selfish narrow goals that they cannot see the ‘big picture’ of what is going on. That is indeed THEIR problem and not mine…


I surrender myself to negatively judging them. If I do then the problem becomes mine as well.

For example: I see thread after thread in this forum devoted to stating the bad in world circumstances. On and on it goes with no end in sight. Having something bad to say about the circumstances in the world only leads to attracting more of the very bad energy that created the circumstance in the first place. It’s a vicious cycle that just goes round and round like a screw being screwed into the ground. The more we pass negative judgments on negative situations the more we screw ourselves into the proverbial ground accomplishing no good for ourselves or others.

If your negative view somehow inspires you to actually do something positive about situations I say: MORE POWER TO YOU!! But to just wallow in negative judgments is to screw yourself into the proverbial ground. It takes you to a nowhere land of nothing worthwhile."

Kirjoitettu Wednesday 05.07.2006


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