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brainwashed consensus

From http://mtsar.blogspot.com/2006/02/whats-new_11.html (Michael Tsarion BLOG)

I thought the Freeman interview was incredible ! It was an abosolute luxury to hear you speak without constant interruption especially with questions that keep refering to the basics. Of course I listen to every interview I can find on you and I'm grateful for anyone who has the courage to invite speakers of non consensus reality. Hopefully consensus reality will be very different in the near future and speaking the truth will be the norm rather than the odd.

I've had a phrase wandering through my mind for a couple of weeks, our human proclivity. You mentioned our choice between alien and human dna in how we perceive our reality.
It made me aware on a daily basis how we are constantly making this choice. It seems we can only grasp it during our present moments, our only true access to empowerment. Everything in our indoctrination deverts our awareness of only ever existing in the present moment. We are always focused on the past or the future and deliberately so. There is so much brainwashing at work, that even when you learn about the reality of religion, politics, history, education, it doesn't necessarily follow that you disengage from the manipulation. The very way we've learned to think gears us toward this alien proclivity of choice. A huge danger because so many people think that once they see the schizm between what is presented and what actually is being done, they believe they have exited the matrix.
I'm finding this disengagement a constant vigilance. It's one thing to be aware of what you do want and another altogether to keep on course with this ongoing physiological genetic internal battle.
I have been spoiled for information, I find that recently only you or Jordan suffice. I saturate myself with your works to escape the influence of insidious indoctrination, to arm myself with truth as authority and reinforce my courage to not abandon the truth to brainwashed consensus.
I am so grateful that you have made your life's work available to us and continue to inspire us all, whatever level of awareness we are on.
Lots of love,

Kirjoitettu Friday 07.07.2006


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