I caught a large 'chemtrail' live on camera making a huge loop, then a turn over Vancouver Saturday.
I'm a little bit upset about this one because of it's size, and odd duration. Some trails last for
an hour...and others last 4 hours or more and are sometimes 'processed' into clouds.
But this one, was a big smoker that stuck around only for a several minutes. I don't see what good
it would be as a weather control trail...and once you see it I think you'll realize that this wasn't
a normal contrail. I have not seen a contrail yet that has lasted more than 60-90 seconds.
I even caught the "Chembirds" on a flyby over the city this time...so you can see what kind of trails
9 subsonic jets leave all at once.
I don't know what the point of all of this is. My best guess is that the world is being run by maniacs
who have had their brains permanently damaged for GENERATIONS by cocaine or other drug use. Because of
this, they are UNABLE to be moral or rational. Thus, the world may end up in the trash can of history
if the sheeple insist on being afraid until it's too late. I think we really ARE in real danger because
the "illuminati" are chemically brain damaged, and the people are scared shitless of them. I have tried
to point out that these people are NOT gods, and the ones I have met locally are something more akin
to criminal con artists with degenerate greed based aspirations who want to work their way up the
chain of cult-leadership. If you fear these vermin to the point of DOING NOTHING, these brain damaged,
brain modified twits will run/ruin your life and tell you they're doing you a favor.
Now, remember how to dial your cell phone...hold it close to your head so you get a nasty tumor, and
hit the buttons 9-1-1 if you see anyone brandishing shampoo. Insist that they send a swat team if it
looks like bottled water. (That would be even more suspicious)
Oh, and I honestly have no choice but to voice my disdain for the epidemic of LEOs out there.
(Love Enforcement Officers)
95% of the planet's population are utterly self-centered pukes, and 100% of us are failing to do our
duty and maintain civilization. It's an utter disgrace...but how dare I express my scorn with a bit of
typing? That makes sissies and fairies feel uncomfortable about themselves.
Sorry folks, but I can't and I WON'T smoke weed with you, beat the bongo drums and sing along with that
f-ing John Lennon song... I'm going to do my best to ignore the LEOs and not get too insulting, but
my message to them is to grow up and stop pretending that you're "good people". Humanity is in utter
disarray and we need PRACTICAL ETHICAL ACTIONS...not a bunch of bunnies who thump their tails trying to
force the rest of us to be more "loving" amid all this evil. Not everyone is a "bad person" and many of
us do what we can, but collectively we're making a failing grade...and that includes my part in all of this.
I have encountered SEVERAL LEOs over the past few weeks and I'm sick of it. The worst part about it
is the fact that LEOs think they're the "goodness police", but in reality they're a bunch of deluded woosies
who would rather criticize unpleasant rhetoric than be effective and DO something about the mess we're in.
The sickest thing about it all is that the Love Enforcement Officers are really not helping with solutions.
They're actually acting on behalf of the globalists who want us to be nothing but pacified jello that
shut up and say nothing lest we might offend the rest of the sheeple. According to them, I suspect
we're supposed to sit around feeling good about ourselves and pretend that we're getting enough done.
We're not.
We are not going to be able to pressure the "illuminati" into being more loving. They're gone. Most of
them, as far as I can tell, ARE intergenerational drug addicts...and thus they are incapable of being moral
or sane. Their drug use makes them aggressive and it intimidates everyday people into being afraid and
pacified. Additionally, we can't correct them with violence or irresponsibility. The change that we
need requires that we grow up PSYCHOLOGICALLY and realize that these people are utter filth whose advantage
over the rest of us is chemical and artificial. We have to get it through our heads that the illuminati
are not mystical, and they are not gods...and they are NOT aliens or lizards. They are BRAIN DAMAGED drug
abusers, and I suspect that this will be proven to correct in the years to come... And don't confuse
what I'm saying with prohibition. I'm talking about people who have abused their "high" positions for
so many centuries that they have become a liability to the planet.
Yes, they are scum, and I just try to point that out. I do some typing. Big deal. What I don't need
is a bunch of LEOs to start whining and moaning about this because they want to believe the pre-fabricated
lie that "all you need is love". Love is fine, love is great...but we need APPLIED ETHICS. We need actions.
The world is maintained through our actions. It's not going to change just by smoking pot and switching
into a weak-minded emotional state. Love is NOT all we need. We also need guts.