Suvi here, gradually returning to the status of almost alive after a rough weekend - there was a short but pointless sea quest to Estonia during a ferocious storm, one funeral (not affiliated with the first) and then some. Well, I did get me a new pair of new very porny high heel boots, managed to have a lot of fun on the ferry in spite of the storm with my colleagues, and the funeral was beautiful. And afterwards I watched some excellent Monty Python clips with a good friend until morning light, so it wasn't all bad.
But the point of course was the ever continuing vocal recordings, which took place at the tenacious D-studio on Thursday. I wanted to do Untold, since the vocals are not going to change radically from the demo version, I guess, so it would have been easy, but Tonmi had other plans - we ended up recording the vocals to the Tonmi-composed song Scarlet instead. We had composed the vocal melodies with J some time ago, of which we used only a couple of notes (!) finally and for example slowed the tempo of the melody to half of the original. And then Tonmi totally lost it and warped the melody into a very difficult one, bouncing back and forth an octave or so, to which I gratefully and lovingly stated:
"Thanks a bunch, wanker". To which Tonmi, equally amicably: "We all choose our own instruments", grinned and kicked me out of the controlling room and into the howling pit of the recording booth. And after 30 minutes or so trying to get the very demanding melody straight and failing miserably, when I finally nailed it, he said: "yes, very nice, you hit the correct notes. Now try actually singing them." Needless to say we have an air of love and utter respect amongst us in our band in whatever we do. But I'm still going to throw myself into the lion's den again this week and we'll try to finish the recordings from my part.
But as usual, after all, the stuff flowing from Tonmi's clearly insane but very talented head will sound excellent once mixed properly to fit his ideas. I trust in him (last words getting more famous by the minute) and appreciate his work, vision and knowledge. But after these recordings, I
will have my revenge ;)