Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja


We survived russia!

We survived russia! We hope they survived us... Well, I kind of feel sad now saying that, when I think about Yeltsin...

Anyway we'll update a story about the trip, and we'll try to get everyone to say something about it. In a nutshell - it went really cool. Everything worked out, the people were beautiful and breathed metal! But check back soon for the whole story and some pictures, lets hope we have some video to share as well.

We are arranging a short showcase gig as soon as possible, to close a record deal we've been negotiating over the last months. We have a good chance of performing next friday the 4th of May - we'll let you know as soon as it is confirmed!

Stay tuned, stay sexy and stay heavy!


Kirjoitettu Friday 27.04.2007


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