Released on the free Corekatsaus 2012 [KOVAWEB03] compilation on 18th of December 2012. There is also one extra track on the compilation by yours truly, which won't be uploaded here, so go and download the compilation!
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
Released on the free Corekatsaus 2012 [KOVAWEB03] compilation on 18th of December 2012. There is also one extra track on the compilation by yours truly, which won't be uploaded here, so go and download the compilation!
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
Rot'n'Creep -
From my free album "Sounds of Reckoning". Released on Splatterkore Reck-ords on 22nd of February 2012. The album is meant to be listened as a whole and I won't be uploading the full album here, so go and download it!
Splatterkore Reck-ords -
Skelic -
From my free album "Sounds of Reckoning". Released on Splatterkore Reck-ords on 22nd of February 2012. The album is meant to be listened as a whole and I won't be uploading the full album here, so go and download it!
Splatterkore Reck-ords -
From my free album "Sounds of Reckoning". Released on Splatterkore Reck-ords on 22nd of February 2012. The album is meant to be listened as a whole and I won't be uploading the full album here, so go and download it!
Splatterkore Reck-ords -
From my free album "Sounds of Reckoning". Released on Splatterkore Reck-ords on 22nd of February 2012. The album is meant to be listened as a whole and I won't be uploading the full album here, so go and download it!
Splatterkore Reck-ords -
Razor Edge -
From my free album "Sounds of Reckoning". Released on Splatterkore Reck-ords on 22nd of February 2012. The album is meant to be listened as a whole and I won't be uploading the full album here, so go and download it!
Splatterkore Reck-ords -
From my free album "Sounds of Reckoning". Released on Splatterkore Reck-ords on 22nd of February 2012. The album is meant to be listened as a whole and I won't be uploading the full album here, so go and download it!
Splatterkore Reck-ords -
Released on Extreme Sound Anti-Nuclear compilation on 29th of March 2011. All proceeds from the sale of this release will be donated to help the relief efforts in Japan.
This individual track or the whole compilation can be bought here in higher quality .mp3 or .flac:
From the free release "Hardcore 333 EP [KOVAWEB02]". Released on 25th of March 2011.
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
ázwb -
From the free release "Hardcore 333 EP [KOVAWEB02]". Released on 25th of March 2011.
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
azmulx -
From the free release "Hardcore 333 EP [KOVAWEB02]". Released on 25th of March 2011.
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
ázwb -
From the free release "Hardcore 333 EP [KOVAWEB02]". Released on 25th of March 2011.
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
From the free release "Hardcore 333 EP [KOVAWEB02]". Released on 25th of March 2011.
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
Released on the free ~Sounds from the Finnish Hardcore Techno Underground~ [KOVAWEB01] compilation on 8th of December 2009.
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
Released on the free ~Sounds from the Finnish Hardcore Techno Underground~ [KOVAWEB01] compilation on 8th of December 2009.
Kovaydin Vastarinta -
Abandoned Soul -
Julkaistaan 30.12.2009. Pure Existence (TDCD001) kokoelmalevyllä Total Discommunication lafkalla.
Lisää infoa-> http://totaldiscommuni...
(sekä kotisivuiltani)
Otin tän pois joskus pari vuotta sitten kun oli jotain "suunnitelmia", mut nyt tulee takaisin pienien muutosten kera :)
/I took this away few years back when I had some "plans", but now it's coming back online with a few minor changes :)
Julkaistu Six Feet Underground Recordsin Gathering The Dead Part One (sfu_cd02) levyllä. Lisää tietoa osoitteesta
/Released on Six Feet Underground Records' Gathering The Dead Part One (sfu_cd02) CD.
More information @
kävimpä tsekkaa vaihteeks... päivitin omia juttuja samalla. palaillaan vaikka voemassa! :)