Black Metal

Grim 04.12.2006


last track of the Gjotnejm -demo

10   0 998 plays
Black Metal

Korppi 11.10.2002


Ensimmäisen demomme avaus. Nauhoitus on melkoista puuroa.
Ehkä suosituin balladi, jonka ikinä olemme julkaisseet.

The opening track of our 1st demotape. The soundquality sucks. However, this is our most liked song ever...

8.92   8 2586 plays
Black Metal

Prelude For Hate 09.10.2002


Gjotnejm -demon avaus.

First track of our Gjotnejm -demotape.

9.2   4 2038 plays
Black Metal

Sword of a Thousand Funerals 09.10.2002


Gjotnejm -demolta.

From our Gjotnejm -demo.

9.29   8 2420 plays
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