Sit back, relax and just enjoy the ride. Don't get up, Chill, and let your mind slide. I have some other tracks here: znork

Almost Human 21.06.2007


Based on a 1950s scifi radio show.

Junior: "Do you like to play with blocks?"

8.22   59 23837 kuuntelua
Chill Out

Hope for a better day 28.10.2005


I composed this early 2005. I have just fixed a few weaker moments and mastered it now (october2005).

cover photo: newyear 2004/2005 berlin.

8.77   58 6556 kuuntelua

Fitz G 11.09.2005


Summer 2005.

I tend to compose tracks which are slightly spooky and melancholic. This is an attempt to break free of my mental barriers. So i wanted to make a happy+positive tune for a change, with lots of super-bright synths.

8.86   37 3781 kuuntelua

An eye in Africa 11.09.2005


I named this piece "an eye in africa" when i first started working on it. It developed in a slightly different direction and now it brings images from the east rather than Africa. Still i let the name stick.

This is an old one from 2000-2001. I have learned alot since then, and there are a few things i would do differently. But it is still one of my favorites.

8.64   30 3341 kuuntelua

Dagger phall 11.09.2005


remix of a tune from The Elder Scrolls II: daggerfall. I think the original was composed by Eric Heberling. I literally did this remix in 1 hour which is exceptionally fast for me. Ofcourse it is easier when you have a midi file to start from:

cover photo: sebastian matti robert

8.47   24 2816 kuuntelua
Chill Out

Packing the Gear 11.09.2005


Composed the month before my antarctica trip 2003/2004.
Contains some c64 samples.

8.42   54 2129 kuuntelua

Entropy 25.10.2005


Get ready to get microwaved!

A bit of a genre experiment for me.

8.13   61 3182 kuuntelua

Aamu 13.09.2005


Minimalistic, boyant, and awkward beats.

8.13   28 2219 kuuntelua

Freestyle 01 17.01.2008


An experiment in freestyle composition. I kept the sequencer recording and simultaneously tweaked the instruments. I did not discard any tracks i recorded, but only allowed myself to swap 'instruments' and add effects till i felt it worked. I added some filter sweeps and brushed up the general balance of the mix afterwards. It was almost like a live performance with no audience. :-)

9   14 974 kuuntelua
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