Heavy Metal

Terror of The Deep 04.06.2011


Basic Heavy Metal song...With some new elements I haven't used before.

-   0 124 kuuntelua

Out of This World 14.12.2010


This song takes you somewhere beyond this world...

-   0 185 kuuntelua

Mä Nakerran Sieniä Hei!!! 24.09.2010


This is NOT part 3 of the RockShoorms theme! This is actually composed with my very good friend L.L Mösse and the song tells about how effective Shrooms really can be!

-   0 163 kuuntelua
Hard Rock

RockShrooms! (part 2) 22.09.2010


This will happen if you put mushrooms and shitty musician together...

-   0 140 kuuntelua
Hard Rock

RockShrooms (original version) 22.09.2010


Yeah! so this is the original version of the songs ''RockShrooms'' and I've to say that in my opinion it's not as ''Rock'' as the part 2 and that's why I personally prefer it more. Anyway about this song, well... If Rock & Shrooms could have a baby it would sound like this.

-   0 115 kuuntelua
Heavy Metal

Night On The Elm Street 03.04.2010


The song is based on a Horror film called Nightmare on Elm Street. This is only a demo version. The real version of the song will be released in the near future.

-   0 153 kuuntelua
Heavy Metal

King Arthur 03.04.2010


Powerful Metal song dedicated to the greatest king ever walked on earth, King Arthur.

-   0 186 kuuntelua
Heavy Metal

Gazing The Stars 05.04.2010


Star gazing begins actually in the end of the song and the end of the song is total bullshit...

-   0 163 kuuntelua
Psychedelic Rock

T¤ssuHumppa 08.04.2010


The song has nothing to do with anything not even with Stalin...

-   0 150 kuuntelua
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