A TEMPLE. we need (another) temple.
but this one will be the MOST horrible-unholy-asymmetric-unsafe-noisy -IT WILL LACK AESTHETICS IN EVERY SENSE and it will probably CRASH DOWN BY ITSELF before they even REACH the thought of bringing it down with their workmen, WRECKING BALLS, GUNS AND FINES AND JUSTICE ...crash down because it will be built with no scheduling, safety rules or actually any fucking knowledge of ARCHITECTURE/building shit... the beauty of it will be BEYOND its destruction: the longer it takes from them to take it down, the more of a BEAUTY it is: THE ART OF WASTING THEIR TIME - maybe we'll even REACH THE AMOUNT OF TIME THEY'VE STOLEN FROM US (all that there ever was?) which would represent the PERFECT IMAGE of who we've become in the middle of all 'o' it: a temple so MISERABLE, UNSTABLE, on the edge of COLLAPSING (AND TIRED) (and standing there ALL MEANINGLESS in the middle of everything) guarded by all the most ridiculous kinds of angels we silently dream about...
Hopeful Words Over Chords Played by Freezing Fingers
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