Melodic Death Pop Metal with Harsh and Clean Female Vocals!!
The band was formed 2014 when Julia and Samuli met each other and began to carry out together their passion of music. That's where the band gets their name "The Passion Of Our Souls"
"The passion of our Souls music has low female growls and clean voice and having a heavy sounds connecting melodic death metal with pop-style choruses which makes it recognizable. "
The band was formed 2014 when Julia and Samuli met each other and began to carry out together their passion of music. That's where the band gets their name "The Passion Of Our Souls"
Julia Mattila - Clean and Harsh Vocals. Samuli Tuomas Mäkelä - All instrumentation
Melodista Death Pop Metallia Puhtailla ja raaoilla Naislauluilla.
Debyytti EP:ltä, joka ostettavissa fyysisessä muodossa https://thepassionofou...
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