Since year 2004 The Gargoyle has been alive in many different forms of line-ups and musical styles, yet its final line-up wasnt formed until year 2007. Led by guitarist Miikka keskitalo band rehearsed and played few locals gigs with: Rosa Uusitalo (Vocals), Miikka Keskitalo (guitars), Jani Paananen (guitars), Julius Rantala (Drums) with great aid of live musicians Art Valta (Keyboars/Synth) and Julia Rantala (bass).
In 2008 The Gargoyle found a new bassplayer Tony Ranta to replace Julia and thought that they don't need keyboards anymore and this line-up of five musicians played few gigs.
Later band had to swich the singer and Tony Ranta was more than happy to take the place and Rosa Uusitalo left from the band. After a little while Rosa rejoined the group and band was completed and did their first recording session with three guitars and Rosa doing back up vocals.
Later Mikko Oinas joined the band as a basist and band started to write more progressive songs. Mikko had played some gigs before as a session musician, but now he was part of the group.
Tony Ranta - Laulu, Miikka Keskitalo - Kitara, Jani Paananen - Kitara, Rosa Uusitalo - Kitara/laulu, Julius Rantala - Rummut, Mikko Oinas - Bass
Rajarock 2009 live äänite, kappaleen alkuperäinen esittäjä on CMX.
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