"Mukaansatempaava Tunnelma", is fast tempo bluesryhtm song and very danceable. It talks about the strong impact of music into our body and soul.
"Tuu Pariisiin" is a story about someone who is alone in the City of Paris and misses his lover. He walks along the parks and Seine river and tells abput things he sees around him. The story has a happy end the the couple meet romantically at a cafeteria.
"Sateiseen Helsinkiin (Rainy Helsinki)" describes the main character's attraction to his/her beloved City, Helsinki. The song refers to the cold, dark and rainy winter period. However, the character always wishes to return to Helsinki, regardless of the hard climate conditions.
"Labradorinnoutaja" is a song about creator's dreams as a student and whether they became true or not. The song also refers to the family's beloved and departed "Armas" - dog who gave the song it's name.
"My Song To You" is dedicated to my beloved wife Sari. I wrote the song for ouw wedding in 2011, whih was also when it was publicly presented first time.
"Maailmanrauha Meni Jo" is a is a statement for world peace. The song was written from the inspiration when Russia occupied Krim in 2014. The song is an imaginary story about a person, who has experienced war and memorizes his life from childhood to present. War has left both physical and mental scars to him. His most sincere wish is that this would never happen again.
Kappaleet löytyy myös Spotifysta nimellä: Tero Hietaneva