We rock. Sverige no Börje is currently working on finishing their promo recording, samples will be available very soon! Sverige no Börje LIVE: October 18th 2008 @ Olarin Krouvi with Silicone Prayer!
(Not so) Long story short. Two guys formed a band in autunm 2006 during their exchange year in Japan, with potential, desire and intention to take over the world. During the late 2007 two more people joined to complete the band with their own excellence, Sverige no Börje was ready to go live and so it did. After many breathtaking shows during the spring 2008 it all culminated at NOSTURI where we played in the finnish national emergenza finals, winning the hearts of audience without denying, having been only less than six months together at that point! We won't hold anything back anymore, we have started our journey to the top of the world.
Idolit/vaikutteet:LOVE, Misery, hope and other teenyweenyyeayea crybaby stuff, some bands who think theyre something (and probably are), inspiring muscians, teenskatepunkshit and rock that rolls
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