
Treated Like An Outcast 28.11.2015


Lokakuussa 2015 julkaistun debyytti-EP Stuck In My Headin toinen single lohkaisu Treated Like An Outcast. Koko EP:n äänityksen ja miksauksen on tehnyt Sami Pasanen ja kaikkien levyn kappaleiden masteroinnista vastasi Chris Graham Audio Mastering.



So you've came to see
To see the joke in me
Just to realize it's in your eyes
And if you want to try
To see if you got me
I'm happy to say that you're out of my mind

Lonely child who showed some love
Love that fall'd apart
Smacked up face of an empty head
Won't take that anymore

I won't feel like
Like an outcast
I won't feel...

-   0 137 kuuntelua

I'll Make You Stop 06.12.2015


Lokakuussa 2015 julkaistun debyytti-EP Stuck In My Headin kolmas single lohkaisu I'll Make You Stop. Koko EP:n äänityksen ja miksauksen on tehnyt Sami Pasanen ja kaikkien levyn kappaleiden masteroinnista vastasi Chris Graham Audio Mastering.


Take me on
Call the nation why?
Make me more than I could be
But I'll make you stop
But I'll make you stop

Feel the green before it all turns black
Do it all in a way you want
But I'll make you stop
But I'll make you stop

Take away what is mine
Into more (than) yours tonight
You're gonna make me stop


But I'll make you stop

-   0 123 kuuntelua

I'll Be Fine 26.11.2015


Lokakuussa 2015 julkaistun debyytti-EP Stuck In My Headin avausraita. Koko EP:n äänityksen ja miksauksen on tehnyt Sami Pasanen ja kaikkien levyn kappaleiden masteroinnista vastasi Chris Graham Audio Mastering.


You could have lied to get it over with
standing by the chaos I lit
I didn't mean to end it up this way
You knew it well? That's seriously

Lame, that's seriously lame
Well likewise and meanwhile
I'll be fine

Depressed notions of a human kind
Imbossible to walk towards the light
Wasn't it something I've said before?
I'm curious of what your brains are

For, your...

-   0 107 kuuntelua
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