Melodic Metal

Weakness Of The Dismembered Soul 30.05.2012


Another song made by me, a little more progressive this time. I recorded the guitars but the drums were made with Addictive Drums. The guitars were miked with Blue Snowball, and the song was put together with Cubase 5.

-   0 132 kuuntelua
Thrash Metal

And Hate Was The Solution 30.05.2012


I made this song like a year and a half ago. It's a heavy song with a good tempo. I recorded the guitars but the drums were made with Addictive Drums. The guitars were miked with Blue Snowball, and the song was put together with Cubase 5.

-   0 198 kuuntelua
Thrash Metal

Thrashmania 30.05.2012


A thrashy song that i made i while ago, and got the chance to record it. Recorded with Blue Snowball and Cubase 5. Drums are made with Addictive Drums.

-   0 119 kuuntelua
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