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Man of Mars (record4) 18.08.2013


Man of Mars, he stared the stars.
Man of Mars, he is all over scars.
Man of Mars, he is man called Lars.
Man of Mars, he has battle many spacewars.
Man of Mars is going back to stars.
But you are just drunk of many bars, driving at highway believing that lights are stars.
Man of Mars was drunk dead man Lars, at the accident at bar Man of Mars.

-   0 279 kuuntelua
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Dark times (record3) 07.08.2013


Oh, dark times, are coming.
Knight rides to battle, beware the cattle.
Oh, dark times, are coming.
Just he was at back his horse, time begin worse.
Oh, dark times, are coming.
Dragon blows fireball, burning life after all, knight burns at fire, this is your end, sire.
Dark times are here, world is now burning everywhere.

-   0 230 kuuntelua
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Record1 05.08.2013


Take my hand little girl, we can go down at snowhill.
just jump on jack freeze, until your heart bongs like wild horses at breeze.
voice of angel, drop down of god creation, maybe devil motion.
You can be model at midnite fire, behind darkness forest comes your sire.

-   0 208 kuuntelua
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Words (record2) 06.08.2013


I live rent, you got money to sent, that iron you can bent.
But I went a screw, baby you got new, pretty new life, you live with your real wife.
Gimme change, dear Lange, I feel so anger.
You are just gangbanger.
You are part of my team, you breath my steam.
You beam me up, you fill my cup.
You are just gone and done. And Wazzup one, my baby one.

-   0 160 kuuntelua
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