
Fading Light 26.02.2025


Tekasin tämmöisen melankolisen kappaleen tosielämästä.Sävellykseen otin vaikutteita hieman sentencedin musiikista.
Säkeistö 1
When I watch the sky, I can see your smile,
a light in the dark that stays for a while.
When you go away, the fire still burns,
waiting for the day when your heart returns

I still hear your voice in the midnight air,
like a ghost in the wind, I know you’re there.
Though you’re far away, you’re still in my heart,
no distance or time can tear us apart.”

Säkeistö 2
You left too soon, like a fading light,
gone with the wind into the endless...

-   0 17 kuuntelua

Burning Desire 23.02.2025


Rihmakallotyylliin tehty oma biisi.
Säkeistö 1
“I get power, my life, freedom, and sky,
no chains can hold me, I’m ready to fly.
My soul is flying high when I think of this night,
burning like a fire, shining wild and bright.

“I’m burning, burning like fire,
I’m burning, burning with desire!

I ride like the wind, my life is so free,
no chains can hold, it’s just the road and me!
I ride like the wind, my life is so free,
no chains can hold, it’s just pure and so clean!

Säkeistö 2
Through thunder and rain, I race to the light,
chasing my dreams in the heart of the...

-   0 17 kuuntelua
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