From left: Baghdad-Bjork, Johan "The scud" Aziz, Taha-Johan Ramadan, Chemical-Kim
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Heavy Metal

Harulf The Warulf 16.06.2004


A song about Harulf The Warulf, the mascot of the band.
(over 12000 downloads at mikseri.net 13.07.2005 )

8.97   137 29101 plays
Heavy Metal

Desert War 16.06.2004


A song about the terror of the war in Iraq
(over 11000 downloads at mikseri.net 15.06.2005 )

8.9   107 26025 plays
Heavy Metal

PropAgenda 12.04.2005


Masteroimaton nykyajan propagandaa räjähtää tästä nappulasta!
(over 4000 downloads at mikseri.net 15.06.2006 )

8.66   141 17488 plays
Heavy Metal

In the year of the camel 12.04.2005


Masteroimatonta kamelinkarvaa á la Saddam's Family. Saatte itse päätellä onko se kukko vai kana.
(over 6000 downloads at mikseri.net 15.06.2006 )

8.73   119 16111 plays
Heavy Metal

We are the Dogshitboys 31.08.2004


Our version of the Dogshitboys song "we are the dogshitboys"
Music: The Dogshit Boys
Lyrics: Grönroos
Arr: Saddam´s Family
(over 4000 downloads at mikseri.net 15.06.2006 )

8.55   76 14316 plays
Heavy Metal

Maid of Steel (Massey Ferguson) LIVE VERSION 08.05.2009


Recorded live at Hellbilly Rock, 30.08.2008, Liljendal, Finland

9   0 686 plays
Heavy Metal

(Shia Walking) On the Sunni Side of the Street LIVE VERSION 08.05.2009


Recorded live at HellBilly Rock 30.08.2008, Liljendal, Finland

9   0 642 plays
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