Q-lumine is a one-man Ambient/ChillOut/Easy Listening project from Helsinki, Finland. The founder, Keltsu (me) has been actively composing musing since early 90's and now finally I got to start really concentrating to do music all by my own. I personally create everything that is related to Q-lumine, all way from the sound and music to the visual presence.
I have high standards for the outcome and when being you own critic, I really do not give up on me easily.
Origin of the name Q-lumine: (I've been asked about this couple of times)
Name is originated from finnish word "kuuluminen" which means "in a state of being heard". It consists two words "Kuu" (moon) and "luminen" (snowy), kinda referring to night time scenery in Finland during wintertime kaamos luminence from where I get lot of inspiration for the compositions.
In early days, project was started using the finnish version of the name but later grew into it's present form as "Q-lumine" (pronunciation sounds the same as finnish version) and now has even deeper levels of meaning. "Q" as "kuu (moon)" and lumine (light). Also the name is now in a bit more global form.
So, basically it is a wordplay, but not just any wordplay as it has this weird sum behind it.
Music itself is a mix of many inspirational sources; nature sceneries, experiences, and of course various music styles and artists. I'd like to hear experiences and comments from listeners about it also, so please drop a line.
Formed during this millennium. Slowly evolved from an one noted creature. Now already spreading across the land in a form of 1st EP.
Keltsu - Instruments, programming, design, mixing, mastering, production
EP:n lopetus- ja samalla nimikkoraita.
Maalailua tämäkin maustettuna akustisella kitaralla, ja ilman biittiä.
Copyright-huomautus: Kaikki materiaali Mikseri.netissä on suojattu tekijäinoikeuksilla ja kansainvälisillä sopimuksilla. Voit kopioida tätä materiaalia ja tehdä siitä kohtuullisen määrän kopioita VAIN omaan käyttöön. Materiaalin UUDELLEENTUOTTAMINEN, LEVITTÄMINEN ja JULKINEN ESITTÄMINEN on kielletty ilman asianosaisen henkilön lupaa.