New CD released!!
Click HERE for mp3s
This song is from our latest record, "Imperfekt", which was released in September 2007. The lyrics reflects over the agony that choises bring and how one is driven to the verge of madness if one tries to please everyone and be everything that society demands.
Toinen biisi "Imperfekt" levystä on kirjoitettu kuin lastensatu. Se kertoo tarinan ohrapellosta, jota Pakkanen uhkaa tuhota seuraavana yönä.
This is a remastered version of the first song on our first real album "Put In Perspective". This is probably the one song that sums up this record the best. (Oletusarvo, paina muokataksesi)
This song is written in the form of the contents of a postcard. If you have a really small handwriting you could actually fit it on a postcard :) This song has the lyrics written Finnish-Swedish, the language spoken by a minority in Finland, our native tounge. It has a distinct sound to it, which is very different from the Swedish spoken in Sweden.
Hyvät soundit ja taidolla soitettua matskua. Vielä kun vokaalit ois engelskaa.