Melodic Drum'n'Bass mixed with Trance. Amazingly beautiful female vocals by Hetafiia Niemi from Seinäjoki. Recommended listening position: vertical with your eyes closed. Enjoy!
A track made for the "Ready for the Master" nights of the Pentecostal Church of Seinäjoki, Finland. Banging melodic trance with pretty much of the basic stuff. :D Enjoy.
A chillout tune made for the "Deep Breath" nights of the Pentecostal Church of Seinäjoki, Finland.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and enjoy. :D
A calm song with an *ss kicking bass drum. :D Hope that nobody cares about the missing bassline but the very bassy sawpad should compensate that. The genre should be Uplifting Trance but since Mikseri doesn't have a genre like that I put Melodic Trance to describe this song the best. Please comment the bass drum. Made it myself from two different samples. :D
Just a two day trance project. I'm pretty happy with this track now, but I could always make it better if I had the energy. :P Any comments welcome. (Negative comments are appreciated as well but if you hate the genre, then please don't bother)
Uusinta kamaa tällä hetkellä. En tiedä pääseekö valmis versio mikseriin ollenkaan mutta tässä nyt tämä teaseri.
(Huom! aiempia biisejä kuunnelleille voi olla huomattava laatuero. Tehdyistä biiseistä on jäänyt monta laittamatta mikseriin ja en muutenkaan ole juuri saanut valmiiksi tarpeeksi hyviä. :D )
My newest song. Don't know if the full version ever makes it to but here's the teaser anyways.
(Note! if u have listened to my other songs, this might be much more of a quality stuff. I haven't put my songs here since Idon'tremember and there hasn't been so many...
Tämä biisi on tälläinen looppi vaan. Väsäsin kaatuneen radioasemani kotisivua varten tekemisen puutteessa. Paransin siitä vielä hieman ja päätin laittaa tänne. :D [saattaa saada pitemmän version joskus]
This is a loop I made for the homepage of my radio station (down at the moment). I improved it a bit and put it here. :D [I might make a longer version outta this someday]
Väsätty aikoinaan kaverin kanssa syntikalla ja rummuilla. Tässä tietokoneella tehty parempi versio.
Tehty Reasonilla
Originally made by me and my friend with only a synthesizer and drums.
This is a better version made with Reason.
Tehty talvella 2004 vuoden puolella. Biisi ei ole vielä ihan valmis, joten kommenttia, jatkamis- ja parannusohjeita tulemaan. Kiitos.
Tehty Reasonilla
Made in the winter 2004. Not quite ready yet. Comments are appreciated.
Made with Reason