Symphonic Black Metal

Thangorodrim 25.07.2022


Opening track of Mystic Opera´s debut album Black Moon of Taniquetil.
Dark, bombastic, very big song \,,/

-   0 80 plays
Symphonic Black Metal

Towards Black Crown 25.07.2022


Symphonic, bombastic, dark-spirited song with slow piano-part between.

-   0 47 plays
Power Metal

Eye of Sauron 25.07.2022


Bombastic, melodic & fast song from Maia Gorthaur.
Mystic Opera´s oldest song, composed even on January 2005.

-   0 59 plays
Symphonic Black Metal

March of Gondolin 25.07.2022


Song intro with Bach-way church organs.
Bombastic, passionate song with solos & blastbeats \,,/

-   0 50 plays
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