Every shadow is born from a light
every night is followed by a day
Each darkness has a sunny side
No bigot’s forced to always fight
Sadness always seems to come from the outside
All that pain is in the inside
It’s an illusion, a nightmarish barrier
Only need to make the choice and tear it down
Every hardship has an end
If there’s a way in, there’s a way out
And every exit gives you more strength
Every remedy adds to your wealth
Rain’s not so bad, it helps everything grow
and then it’s so bright once it’s gone
Everything looks joyful, happy and fun
See a different side of the eclipsed sun
An easy life would have no meaning
just days flying and people sighing
Easy come, easy go
to overcome, to find you’re not alone
Another obstacle, another hurdle
another way out, another escape
It’s tough, but you can carry every burden
Conquer every trouble you face
Transparent glass looks like a brick wall
A dream resembles an alien nightmare
You look at a rose, you only see its thorns
Always think things exacerbate by the morn
And no worry ever seems to leave
but every yesterday is trivial tomorrow
And every sorrow is ancient history
a fleeting blur, a distant memory
If you close your eyes, then you can’t see
the evil that goes on in this world
If you close your ears from negativity
you can’t hear derisive mockery
Troubles come and go throughout your life
Tout ira bien un jour, ça ira, ça ira
a single moment of quiet reflection
and every worry is forgotten with a single burst of laughter