Reach for the speed of light
Never know how your creation
Will evolve in the end
The systems of the old
Promise of a brighter future
Or a tyranny never seen before
Hard to see the destination
Everything reduced to blur
Find the signal from the white noise
Recognize the patterns
Store everything so that meaning
Can be extracted much later
What is too much for human mind
Is only the beginning
Break past the limits of mankind
Strike down the walls and you will find
It is the dawn of singularity
Adapt or perish only law
So did you get what you wished for
We all created the singularity
All systems have been powered
Stand by while solutions
To everything are being processed
Soon barely how it once was
And what did seem important is no more
As all roles are redefined
Now have reached total reliance
Can't ever be powered down
Or a new dark age will begin
One that's never seen before
Datavaults hold all the knowledge
Systems reprogram themselves
Hope there's no ghost in the machine
No worm eating at the core
Hard now to imagine
How did we live then
The next step we reached in the end
Datavaults hold all the knowledge
Systems reprogram themselves
Hope there's no ghost in the machine
No worm eating at the core