B-wing: It Would Be...

It would be very nice if we could lay it on the table, one truth.
We can try to live our lives the best we can
Can you imagine a world, where we would know everything?
There would be no more mysteries.

How innocent they are, they claim to know it all by the book.
God works in mysterious ways everytime he´s trapped, so it seems...

It would be very cool if there would be no sickness at all.
By denying our health it´s not achieved
Achieved but not believed
We always know, but yet we turn our eyes away
Turning the other cheek to sickness
We fail, time and time again!

What does your heart tell you?
To please everyone, who wants to lead your life?
To read books misunderstood a long long time ago?
Who should you listen to, the preacher or the prophet?
Ask the man who wants not, but to live in peace and harmony.
Ask the one, who will not tell tales of times gone by
The one who does not speak but lives.

For those who know, shall not speak
and those who speak, do not know.
From door to door they shall not find the truth
Obeying laws misunderstood by generations.