Hydromedusae: Darker Tides

Old man on the deck
Watches the waves, endless and cold
So far from home
Searching the ocean for something long gone

Frost like his heart hurts more every year
How long can he hold back the tears
Dreaming of reaching the shore once again
Praying his journey will come to an end

Day after day
He prepares for the oncoming storm
Year after year
Facing the same hardships again

The one that he loved was claimed by the sea
They were struck by a storm on a cold autumn night
The waves were too fierce and the wind was too strong
From that fateful trip she never came home

On the cold sea the journey goes on
These perilous waves have raged far too long
Will nothing bring end to the storm

Dark clouds fill the sky
Sun vanishes right in front of his eyes
Holding on tight
But he knows in his heart that his time has come

The waves rise higher than ever before
His ship is consumed by the waves
Gasping for air for the very last time
He sinks to the depths along with his ship

There is light all around him
His journey has come to an end
No more struggle he has found his peace
With his love forevermore