This Obscurity: Hate Within

hate is falling through
why don´t you realize it
don´t you can live with it
or are you just stupid

voices everywhere
and they make you feeling so strange
was that what you have felt
you don´t get anything

you saw your friends were blowing up
one by one they went insane
how can you stand behind it

now it´s your turn and you don´t know
what to do
you must get out of this and free your hate

set free
relieve your anger and free your hate
keep living your life as it is
though you can't be the same anymore

now you are figuring it out
finally getting it
now you can see what you have done

things of your past can be forgotten
take burden of it, and let it go

everyday can be the new beginning
for you it´s never too late
now you must just shape up
and stop thinking of your past

©Esa-Veikko Tourunen