...Remains Torn
Many times on my quest for truth/
I thought I had solid ground/
but shortly after that/
there is some unreliability found/
Yesterday I thought/
it was Truth I had/
but then again I realized/
my thinking had been incomplete and bad/
I HAVE TO TRUST SOME SOURCES - more than others/
but in the end they're all the same/
Though some have to be now good enough for me/
the final peace remains ungained/
If there's no source that I can trust from the science nor the gods/
then how am I supposed to know what's true and what is not?/
My desperate battle rages on/
to find a stable base of life/
to find some solid stones to build/
a home for my soul and mind/
But this world keeps turning more and more/
into liquid sort of form/
No solid point that I can grab/
from my fingers it all flows...
I am starting to feel like I'm stupid or something/
but who are these fools then who don't think even now as I sing/
Then who are these fools who come and present their truth/
as the ultimate one though it's clearly not even close to shatterproof/
I need mine shatterproof/
If there's a truth that I can find with my mind or my poor luck/
then why on earth I can't be sure from anything WHAT THE FUCK?/