How does it feel to be in this shit
Hunting down your brothers?
From house to house, village to village
Killing those you once held dear.
If you do not fight for yourself
Fight for your country, people and family
or fight for the ones you´re against!
Grab your rifle, it may save your life
but it will not save the truth.
You are right, no-one else is
but there is no truth in strength
in what you think gives you the right.
Walk straight, shoot straight and speak straight
and when you finally straighten yourself
remember old Hammurabi.
Remember justice!
You just got away without it.
What man would not fight for himself?
True christians!
But for vain ideals, the prosperity of liars,
the persuaders of the masses.
It takes a soldier to obey.
But the true enemy is the one within
It is in the yes and the no,
In the shivering hand that squeezes the trigger
To where does the barrel point?