I found myself floating slightly
through calming blue water
I can't believe it has so bright colors
So hard to understand the beautiness of it
I slowly fall in the feeling of bliss
blue, blue, blue! It wipes away my grey, numb mind
now my life is just blue, like the paintshreds on that
collapsed asylum near my home
Home... One grey spot appears in my blue world
With no mercy, it starts asphyxiating my paradise
My, very own blue world... How dare you!
The grey fills the last flash of blue.
After my eyes got used to new world of colors
I found myself lying on floor of the asylum, on my knees
along the shards of bricks and my bashed dreams
The asylum gets a new sad song to sing
It blinks in my corner of the eye. I raise my grey stare.
Oh thank.. What we used to thank? Nevermind,
the bliss was true, I start to float in the water again.
Bangs of my head hitting the blue spot on the wall echoes
the asylum starts to sing it's latest song.