Anuke: Safe Haven

These are the days when we shall scream

Never more do our suns rise
They sleep well beyond the day
Light always greeted by disappointed sighs

C: Hammer it down
Muffle the sound
Pound for pound
Reaching the ground
-I am beyond what’s aching
-Silent devil forsaking sin

Prefer the black to the dull grey
Keep running circles with nothing to pray

Dreaming days, screaming days
Always few and far between
The first ones haven’t since childhood seen
The others I’m begging to come to me
By every action of mine, though I honestly hate them

-Silent devil forsaking sin, sin, sin, sin, sin not burning

Only I am left to go

Leap to the deep

Should I tell you what I think?
Rend me, send me to the brink

(Curse of the romantic)

Can I please just reach it

‘Cause that’s where I feel safe