this night I vanish myself in shadow
I hold a blade and chain at my side
no one will know the man I am
I walk along uncounted paths
and whisper my secrets in secret
few are those I lend my strength today
night falls and the hour has come
when the deeds that must be done will be done
I give a last glance over my shoulder as
my footsteps lead me to a courtyard
the guards turn away and I creep inside
like smoke I fall through their fingers
I move like the wind and find my prey
A lord or beggar, death cares not
I end his days in a silent flash
I wash my hands of his blood
that which had to be done is done
This is me, the Shade in the dark
breath in the wind, unseen heart
just as the sun will rise again
will I walk the world
Few are those I lend my strength
I serve no master but honor
my brothers sleep when I'm awake
no one will know the man I am
I walk amidst a crowd of people
a day like the day before
the men who look upon me
are blind to what they see
This is me, the Shade in the dark
the fog of the early winter
just as months will turn into years
will I know the darkest secrets
Brave are men when they face a god
when they do not know the man I am
remember this, you who hears my words
you have the answer in your hands