Alien - Master Chief: Alien - Extreme Warriors

We are the dead people aaaaarrr. We are the killers of the demons.
Our destiny is to kill enemy forces. They are very dangerous so we must
decrease their bosses. Then ours of our destiny is very good. And running
so slow. Attack Speed is good and we deal good damage.

Here all demons are we demons shall go in the hell. The Powers of the demons are there...
Demons. Are Dead. They shall. Die in the hell! Powers of the dead shall die in the hell.

*Powers of the dead, fucking fuckers, Forces of the fuckres, (RAAAH), fucking fuckers*
Team X

They are there they are, They are dead, they are. They are dead, they are.
Do to mean such a demons. Demons, DEmons, DEMons, DEMOns, DEMONs, DEMONS, DEMONS!
Powers of the dead are very unstopable. And they will be die uuuuu.
Is the killer of the our demon?
Is our dying destiny and the demon shall go into hell and die in the hell, in the hell.
Into powerful, demons.

The Death of the de-de-demons.

*Death Powers (RAAAH), Powers of light (RAAAH), By the death be destinied of the dead.*
We are the Lightwarriors the killers of the world and kill that into death.

*Dark Forces, Dark forces are good, demons are happy (haer), good, happy then.
Who is the killer of the Death Powers? Of the dead...
are their are their are their are their are their are their are their are their are their...*

Demons, Dark Forces, Powers of the Demons! They die! And they Mie! And they rule into death!