there will always be the ones
whose voice will drown in the violent noise of those /
who strive to be heard
the herd of knee-jerks and brownnoses /
they will never change,
and much less ever make a change happen /
it’s time to break the cycle
time to awake the idle
bide your time
smile before you strike
take a look at the king now,
he’s soiled his pants/
take a look at his jester
trying to hide his smile from the man/
the lackeys, they all know it
the tide is turning, time is short/
pleadingly looking for a new hole
where to stick their twitching tongues
so will you be there,
will you spearhead the new frontier/
the opportunity calls to be seized
don’t let it pass and rise from the mass/
or will you just pay your fare
for a ride in your new masters trailer/
it’s a choise for you to make
to stand up when the time is right or bow to your jailer