Evil wizard and unholy necroforce feast on
southwest villager and farmer flesh... Blood drip on tablecloth...
Horrified villagers prisoner in wood cage and wait for to be
eaten... Unholy force celebrate triumph!
Village good hero return from long journey!
Find home village burn in ruin!
Hear about atrocity from goodhearted survivor villager!
Good hero is angry! He rush to HAUNTED CASTLE of evil wizardic force!
Plan to rescue villager and farmers from cage!
To kill evil wizard too!
A SOUND PLAN IT IS says the survivor villager!
Good hero run to haunted castle!
Kill evil guardian werewolves!
Blood seep to ground!
Hero strike castle walls with sword!
Hero burst open door to evil necrofeasting hall!
Start chopping and hacking undead!
Prisoner villagers relieved to see hero try rescue!
Skeleton skull crack! Zombie head fly over table!
Limbs fly to every direction around hero!
Hero see cages and rush forward through unholy force lines!
Soon villagers are free and safe! hahahahhaha!
But villager expression turn horror!
Evil wizzard laugh! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Hero turn! See undead forces reassemble!
Skeleton bones come back together of magical force!
Zombie pick up limbs! HERO PANIC!
Try strangle nearest skeleton soldier! HERO REALISE!
You no can strangle something that no breathe!
Villagers cry: "STUPID HERO!"
Villager hero... DOOM!
Undead death force feast villager of good!