Evil Wizard: The Curse of Evil Farao Wizard

Evil wizard command death soldier
Across desert for village raid!!!!
Desert village... DOOM!!


Desert village guard see undead horde
Alarm village but no one listen (höpö höpö!)
Evil wizard cast farao curse (oooo!)
Mummified corpses rise pyramid!
Poison snake crawl village!
Good village suffer from curse of evil farao wizard!
Egypt sorcerer call dark skeleton soldiers to battle!
Villagers run horror!
Wizard zap sphynx nose to crush villagers under!
Palm trees burn and crush clay hut!
Evil skeleton sex master force villager to perverse action! (hohoho!)
Mummified mutant monster zombies attack and kill village boss!

Evil wizard laugh evil! (hahahaha!)
Undead cursed force storm land of good!