Confirmed Kill: Chains of Production

using whatever nature has to offer
but not as an offering, not as a sacrifice
that is what you have made of it
with an urge to rule over all that exists
the strength is not in you, but
in those who are forced to do the work for you
until there are some who have the conscience and courage
until there are some who stand up and resist
but is it enough - can anything be enough?
when one tries to defy such powers
which control networks based on such capital
that are beyond our simple understanding
the connections are too complex for any medium to solve
since the media in itself is a major party
in the current world order demanding
profit, and profit alone
no thought for those who have to pay
whatever you say, i know it's a mere statement
created by your lawyers, with a salary i cannot comprehend
and if something goes wrong, you still have
your judges, jurys, all the authorities
people you have misled with your false reports
intelligence, wisdom - concepts
losing whatever is left of their original edge
as development has become the word
for refinement, breeding, cultivation
in need of a meaning, of creator and god
people have turned themselves into one
unable to find any other solution
yet, i can't think of a change
until the weak can take down the strong
and even then, it really wouldn't last for long
for with strength and power comes corruption
and there seem to be no more obligations
and thus those who once fought for a better world
can't anymore tell right from wrong
profit, and profit alone
no thought for those who have to pay
whatever you say, i know it's a mere statement
created by your lawyers, with a salary i cannot comprehend
and if something goes wrong, you still have
your judges, jurys, all the authorities
people you have misled with your false reports
and in the end, does one really know a thing anymore?